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Bondy: the Marmite is overflowing and is looking for new premises to develop its social action

“Hello, I’m going to jump on you, sorry, but there are two women from the Bobigny health prevention center service this morning for the prevention of breast cancer.” Are you interested? Nadia Gautey is a social mediator at the La Marmite association, in Bondy, and is one of the first faces that the beneficiaries meet. After that of Omar, stationed at the reception. The man plays the balancing act so as not to be overwhelmed. “Please wait, I’m alone today. “

In the sofas of the “reception room”, two men are seated. “Are you ok Kamel?” Nadia asks, passing by. Red puffer jacket on the back, beret cap screwed on the head, the man has a haggard look. He nods. Omar takes care of the new arrivals, one by one. With a recurring sentence. ” You want a coffee ? Milk ? »Cardboard cup in hand, it serves a little warmth to these men and women in great precariousness.

“Are there no cakes?” »Asks a 40-year-old. “They are coming,” says Omar. ” Thank you ! The only washing machine is already running at full speed. The man comes daily. He is Pakistani, worked illegally in the construction industry for years, until the accident at work. Obviously not declared. He plunged him into the spiral of the street.

Human warmth, comfort and help

The pot became his “home”. He finds a little privacy there, despite the proximity. Human warmth, comfort and help. “The welcome is unconditional,” insists the director, Aschwin Ramenah. The beneficiaries are however mainly “migrants without papers, without resources and for 60%, women with children. “

La Marmite is always full. It is teeming with projects, ideas but also people: 55% more activities last winter. “1,483 people were received between October 2020 and March, for 11,682 visits. That makes 615 new faces, ”explains the director. Sometimes not that new. The health crisis has passed that way. “We see people coming back,” says Nadia. They had found precarious odd jobs, which they no longer have. “

The association is cramped. The 350 square meters of the ground floor of a building on rue Léon-Blum are no longer suitable. The showers are located in the middle of the administrative offices. The children’s corner is hidden behind a sofa. The places are dilapidated. “The day before, we had an electrical problem and a flood,” Aschwin Ramenah reports that day.

“The problem is the land”

A move is urgent. “It would take double the area,” says the director. To welcome people with dignity and offer good working conditions to our staff. To develop, without drawing air. »Clément Faure is tasked with finding the rare pearl. “The problem is the land! »Square meters are optimized in Seine-Saint-Denis. And are traded at a high price. The association is increasing contacts with public and private actors, agitating the France Relance subsidy, but the State program is not magic. “It’s complex. “

Twelve people in professional integration

Larger premises would allow La Marmite to develop its social action. “Twelve people are in professional integration,” indicates the director. They are trained to be polyvalent agents of collective catering. We are also looking for a chef. “

Halima joined the brigade for almost two years. She signed her clerk contract on October 15, she says with pride. “Cooking is my passion. I love to serve people and cook great meals for those who really need it. It’s nice. “

At lunchtime, the aromas escape from the kitchen. A starter, a hot dish, a dessert, a bottle of water and a bun are distributed. To take away in small aluminum trays, for some. The city’s esplanade then turns into an improvised terrace. For others, to taste in the refectory, which also serves as a room for various daily workshops. Nearly 80 meals are distributed every day at noon. “Their only meal of the day sometimes. “

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