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Bondy. Gabriel, 14, injured during his arrest, was released from the hospital

Seriously injured in the eye during his arrest by the police in Bondy (Seine-Saint-Denis) last week, Gabriel, a 14-year-old teenager was able to leave the hospital this Friday, June 5. According to his lawyer, “The operation went well a priori he will continue to be able to use his eye”, said Stéphane Gas, specifying that it was still necessary to wait to know the evolution of the consolidation of his injuries.

The teenager, who suffered in particular from a maxillary fracture extending to the bone of the left eye, was prescribed 30 days of total interruption of work (ITT).

The versions diverge

He was arrested on the night of May 25 to 26 while he was trying to steal a scooter. According to a police source, he would have “Fall” and would be “Rebellious” during his arrest.

Gabriel claims to have been kicked in the face by one or two police officers. In his complaint, he recounts how he fled at the sight of the four agents, after being seen by locals stealing the scooter with a friend. Caught up, he is put on the ground and handcuffed.

According to his account, while he is under control, a policeman stands in front of his face and hits him “Three or four kicks with the tip of his shoe”, while treating him as “Asshole”.

He claims to have also received another blow to the back of the skull, without being able to identify the author.

He is then driven to the scooter, where the police make observations, before being taken to the Bondy police station: “Suffering from vertigo and intense pain, he was seized with vomiting and in particular coughed up blood”, according to the complaint.

Two complaints filed

The police would have waited ” More than an hour “ before warning the firefighters, who will take him to the hospital, it is written.

The teenager was heard by the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) Thursday and confirmed his statements, insisted his lawyer.

Two complaints were filed by the family in this case. One with the IGPN the day after the arrest and a second, on June 2, with the Bobigny prosecutor’s office to “Violence aggravated in assembly by persons holding public authority and on minors under 15 years”.

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Two complaints were filed following the arrest and hospitalization of this 14-year-old teenager.  One with the police, the other with the court of Bobigny (photo illustration)Bondy. Gabriel, 14, injured during his arrest, was released from the hospitalOuest-France.fr

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