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Bondy-Bobigny-Noisy-le-Sec: “Our cities are dirty!”

Enough is enough. After sounding the alarm for the first time on the poor quality of waste collection, the mayors of Bobigny, Bondy, and Noisy-le-Sec raise their voices. In a joint letter, they demanded from Est ensemble the termination of the contract awarded to the company Sépur in October 2017.

“They do not respect the contract, it is as simple as that, points out the mayor PS of Bondy Sylvine Thomassin. We could make a table of grievances because there are so many! Streets where collection is not done, markets which are not well cleaned… ”

In Noisy-le-Sec, the market takes place on Saturdays. “The employees of Sépur must have finished the work by 3 pm, but by 4 pm, they still have not arrived… it is not possible! »Indignant the UDI mayor Laurent Rivoire.

His counterpart in Bobigny, Stéphane de Paoli (UDI), regularly receives complaints from his constituents. “People are fed up, they leave the garbage outside because they don’t know when the trucks are going to pass,” said the elected official.

A formal notice has already been sent to the Sepur

The first dysfunctions appeared in October, pushing Est ensemble to organize a crisis meeting. “There was then an improvement in December,” admits Laurent Rivoire. To hear them, the clearing up was short-lived. “We have again seen a drop in service at the end of January,” said the mayor of Noisy-le-Sec.

For Stéphane de Paoli, the agents of Sépur “do not know the ground”. “The company should have taken over some of the staff from the former service provider Veolia. But that was not done, ”he regrets.

The mayor of Bondy points to the dilettantism of the rippers. “The observation is that our cities are dirty. If necessary, we will unload our waste at the Sépur headquarters! “, Asserts Sylvine Thomassin, who assures that Est ensemble has already imposed the Sépur company” with more than 100,000 € in penalties.

The territorial public establishment announces having recently “sent a formal notice to the Sépur company, confirming” serious and heavy facts “, indicates Gérard Cosme, the president of the PS d’Est ensemble. This could lead, if no improvement is noted, to termination of the contract.

Contacted, the company did not want to speak.

The residents are fed up

Bondy, Thursday July 19. Stéphane Bakir and Ismail, from left to right, are the managers of the restaurant Le Chêne. LP / Romain Chiron

Garbage cans are overflowing on avenue Jules-Guesde in Bondy, this Thursday at the stroke of noon. The Sepur trucks, which pass twice a week, must come and pick them up in the middle of the afternoon.

Evelyne, a retiree, carries her two garbage bags which she places at the foot of an already crowded container. She points out the flaws in the new collection organization set up in October 2017. “The trash cans are picked up too late,” she believes. With the former provider, the trucks passed three times a week, and especially early in the morning. “

“We must review the schedules so that the trucks pass in the morning”

For Evelyne, some residents are also responsible for this chaotic situation because they “take down their bins at the wrong times”.

“Result, it accumulates, it does not smell good and it is not hygienic”, summarizes Magali, a resident.

A situation denounced for many months by the managers of the restaurant Le Chêne. “The garbage is collected around 3 or 4 pm. They stay outside during the service, there are odors because of the heat. Suddenly, some customers no longer want to sit on the terrace. We must review the collection system so that the trucks pass in the morning, ”urges Stéphane Bakir, who does not rule out organizing a citizen demonstration.


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