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Bonds and precautionary measures for those involved in the case of corruption «Cochinilla» – Diario Digital Nuestro País

Criminal Court of Finance. Capture

San José, Jun 27 (Elpaís.cr) .- With bonds of $ 3 million and $ 5 million for Mélida Solís and Carlos Cerdas, respectively, as well as precautionary measures for the rest of the defendants, the criminal Treasury judge closed the hearing on Thursday , Carolina Lizano, in the Cochinilla case.

Solís, owner of the highway construction company H. Solís, and Carlos Cerdas, owner of MECO, are expected to put properties to answer for the bond next Monday, according to the first’s lawyer Érick Gatgens.

In addition, both must comply with other precautionary measures after leaving detention as an impediment to leaving the country, delivery of the passport and periodically sign at the judicial office.

“We hope on Monday to meet the requirements that the judge demanded. They remain in preventive detention until the bail is paid and, for administrative reasons, of course that will have to be until Monday, ”explained Erick Ramos, from the Cerdas legal team, after leaving the Courts of Justice.

Francisco Campos, head of lawyers for the construction company H. Solís said that the real surety will be formalized by means of a mortgage.

“We are running to present the mortgage to the Registry first thing in the morning and bring the received, which is what corresponds to be processed and released,” Campos added to a local television station.

As for other defendants such as Tobías Arce, he will use an electronic ankle brace, and Alejandro Bolaños, Abel González, Carlos Solís, William Herrera and Sonia Solís are prevented from leaving the country.

The Deputy Prosecutor for Probity, Transparency and Anticorruption (FAPTA), in file 19-000025-1218-PE investigates alleged crimes of own bribery, influence peddling and fraud, to the detriment of the State, against public officials of the Conavi, Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT) and the Ministry of Finance, as well as owners and officials of construction companies. construction of public works.

The Public Ministry appealed the judicial decision in relation to some defendants, including Mélida Solís and Carlos Cerdas.

It should be noted that the press office of the Judiciary confirmed that “for the other accused persons, the measures to prevent them from leaving were ordered and to sign periodically.”

In addition, “for the investigated persons who work in the public sector, suspension of the position was ordered, not to approach Conavi within a radius of 1 kilometer and not to approach witnesses.”

“This is a private hearing and this case is in the preparatory phase. For this reason, we do not have access to the full resolution. They only confirm the precautionary measures ”, he indicated.

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