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Bondowoso Health Office Collaborates with NGO to Raid TB Patients

KABAR RAKYAT – Public health Office Bondowoso holding 3 NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations or often referred to as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), to carry out TB (Tuberculosis) raids.

This was done because a positive confirmed case of TB (Tuberculosis) was Bondowoso touched the number of up to 900 people, and 54 of them died throughout 2021. This number is the result of detection of 2,800 people.

According to Goek Fitri Purwandari, Sub Coordinator of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, public health Office Bondowosothat in 2022 alone, as of March 16, from suspect 1227, there were 155 confirmed cases of tuberculosis.

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“And four of them died. All of these patients were spread evenly in 23 sub-districts, with an average patient age of 15-45 years,” he explained, Wednesday (16/3/2022).

The high number of cases, he continued, was caused by patients who did not receive treatment according to the standard. Because usually people who suffer from it have only taken the drug for two months and feel comfortable. They immediately stopped.

“Even though you have to continue to take medicine, at least six months. In addition, there is still a lack of clean and healthy living behavior,” he added.

Seeing that, together 3 NGO consisting of Yapikma, SSR Yabhysa, and the TBC/HIV Working Group, his party continues to collaborate in conducting inspections at Islamic Boarding Schools, counseling, contact investigations, and raid TBC.

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