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Bombardier Could Exit A220 Program In Financial Difficulty



The Canadian group Bomber, specializing in railway and aeronautical construction, published Thursday 2019 financial results below expectations.

Bombardier now expects pre-tax and interest (RAII / Ebit) earnings for the year 2019 to be in the range of US $ 400 million (approximately € 360 million). He had previously counted on an Ebit between 700 and 800 million US dollars. Its coffers are empty: cash usage over the past year has reached US $ 1.2 billion, up $ 600 million from what was expected. In addition, the group is still in debt to the tune of US $ 9.3 billion.

In a press release, its president, Alain Bellemare, said that Bombardier “looked in detail at different solutionsTo speed up debt repayment. According to the Canadian press, the Canadian group could sell assets … and why not its shares in the programregional aircraft A220, the ex-CSeries that he had originally developed.

Today, the A220 program, brought together within the Airbus Canada Limited Partnership, is 50.06% owned by the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus, 33.58% by Bombardier and 16.36% by the Government of Quebec. Airbus recently asked Bombardier and Quebec to reinvest in the program to increase production rates. But given the state of its finances, Bombardier certainly could not participate in a capital increase.

Everything suggests that the Canadian group is seriously considering selling its 33.58% stake in the Airbus Canada Limited Partnership. And the longer it takes to sell, the size of its stake will shrink as Airbus invests its own funds. However, Canadian analysts believe that Bombardier could also sell assets in the rail sector and continue to have a foothold in the A220 program.


En difficulté financière, Bombardier pourrait quitter le programme A220

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