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Bolsonaro plays provocations – Liberation


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The Brazilian president has created controversy by accepting the holding of the South American football cup in his country in less than two weeks, while he is strongly criticized for his management of the Covid-19 epidemic which is still ravaging .

“Let it be clear: nothing is certain yet”, swore Monday evening a minister of Jair Bolsonaro, while the Brazilians, yet jaded by the provocations of their president, still could not believe their ears: thus, in full pandemic of Covid-19, Brazil – with approximately 2,000 deaths daily due to the virus and a total death toll of 463,000 – had promptly agreed to host the Copa América, just two weeks before the kickoff, on June 13, of the South American tournament.

In the middle of the day, the South American football confederation (Conmebol) thanked the Brazilian president by name for agreeing to replace the two organizing countries, Colombia and Argentina, who had been removed,

Brazil Jair Bolsonaro Coronavirus

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