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Bolsonaro mocks Fernández and Maduro and says that for them ‘there is no vaccine’

The Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonarocommented sarcastically this Thursday, June 10, 2021, a statement of the Argentine president, Alberto Fernández, and said that neither for him nor for the Venezuelan head of state, Nicolas Maduro, there are vaccines.

“The president of Argentina said that they they came from europe and we from the jungle, “said Bolsonaro, regarding a statement that Fernández gave this Wednesday in Buenos Aires.

“I remember when (Hugo) Chávez died and Maduro took office, saying that he spoke with little birds in which the figure of Chávez had incarnated. I think for Maduro and Fernández there is no vaccine ”, declared the Brazilian president laughing to a small group of followers, at the gates of his official residence in Brasilia.

More seriously, he added that “how are they recording and this is going out”, he wanted to comment that he exchanged messages this Thursday “with the former president (Mauricio) Macri”, whose frustrated reelection attempt supported directly and personally in 2019.

“We have no problem with each other or with him. Argentinian people. Rivalry with Argentina only in football ”, affirmed the leader of the Brazilian extreme right.

The controversy was unleashed by Fernández this Wednesday, when in a public act erroneously attributed to the Mexican writer Octavio Paz a phrase about the origin of Argentines and Brazilians.

“Octavio Paz once wrote that the Mexicans came from the Indians, the Brazilians came from the jungle, but we Argentines came from the ships,” Fernández told erroneously paraphrase the Mexican writer in words that more closely match a song by the Argentine musician Litto Fog.

That statement generated a wave of criticism in Argentina itself and Fernández apologized through your profile on the Twitter network.

“It was stated more than once that Argentines descend from the boats. In the first half of the 20th century we received more than five million immigrants that coexisted with our native peoples. Our diversity is a pride ”, he wrote trying to explain his phrase.

However, Fernández added: “I did not want to offend anyone, in any case, who has felt offended or made invisible, since now my apologies.”

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