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Bolsonaro flattered by Putin’s praise for his “masculinity” – News

In his speech on Tuesday, at the virtual summit of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), the Russian President considered Bolsonaro to be an “example” for his management of the new coronavirus pandemic, which has already it was considered chaotic, and even irresponsible, by many epidemiologists.

“You personally suffered this infection yourself and went through this ordeal with great courage,” said Putin, referring to the fact that Bolsonaro was infected with the new coronavirus in July.

“You have demonstrated that you have the best masculine qualities, such as courage and great willpower, facing all challenges with great respect and consideration for the will of your people and the interests of your country,” added the Russian President, addressing himself to the Brazilian far-right leader.

Putin’s words were transcribed and shared this morning by the Brazilian President on Facebook, after having released the video of the moment, subtitled in Portuguese.

In his column on the portal Uol, Reinaldo Azevedo, a respected political commentator from Brazil, did not fail to highlight that, like the Brazilian President, Vladimir Putin is a “notorious homophobe”.

Last week, Jair Bolsonaro caused controversy when he said that Brazil should stop “being a country of sissies” in the face of the pandemic.

Reinaldo Azevedo also stressed that this unexpected support from Moscow was well received by Bolsonaro, after the defeat of his idol and main ally, the American Donald Trump.

However, Trump’s defeat in the U.S. presidential elections has not yet been recognized by Jair Bolsonaro, one of the only leaders who has yet to congratulate the elected President of the United States, Joe Biden.

“Bolsonaro can now start to say goodbye to widowhood. There will be a new troglodyte to call a friend, ”wrote the political commentator for the UOL portal.

On social media, several ‘memes’ were shared as a way of illustrating this new friendship, such as, for example, a photomontage where Bolsonaro is sitting behind Putin on his horse, both shirtless.

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