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Bologna, Mihajlovic: “I brought Spinazzola bad luck. Tomiyasu out, Skorupski to be evaluated”

Tomorrow at 18.00 Bologna’s Sinisa Mihajlovic he will be engaged in Rome for the championship match against Fonseca’s men. The Bolognese coach presented this morning in the usual press conference on the eve of the match that watched the rossoblùs at the Olimpico. Here is what he stated:

The first leg match remained on everyone’s stomach, did you also bet on this to prepare for the match against Roma?
“No, we prepared it like everyone else. We got that game wrong, but it was my fault so there was no need to go back to it. Tomorrow we will do better.”

What impression did Roma make on you when you saw them in the Cup? Could the head for them already be at the return of the Europa League?
“It made a great impression on me. Tomorrow will be a difficult match but as always we are going to play our game knowing that we are facing a strong and quality team, but we have our identity and we will try to have the same attitude. held against Inter. Last year we won in Rome and we can do it again this year. I don’t think the Roma players are already thinking about the challenge afterwards, because everyone is preparing to win all the matches. I believe that tomorrow they will do everything to win with us, then they will do everything to go through with Ajax. “

Did you get Tomiyasu back?
“No, there isn’t. Until Wednesday Thursday we have them all, then when it comes to Saturday we don’t have them at the end.”

Is Skorupski ready to go back?
“He recovered from Covid, he trained yesterday. Today we have another training session, let’s see how he is. But if he is not there, Ravaglia is there, we have no problems from that point of view. I will field whoever gives me more. guarantees “.

This year Bologna and Milan both lined up 10 young people eligible for the Under 21s. How do you judge this? Is it an important factor in the future or is it already important now?
“Yes and then there are others who do not know why they have not been called up in the Italian Under 21 … It is absurd for someone like Vignato not to be called up, it is a mystery. I do not divide the players into young and old, but in We in Bologna have taken this ‘green line’ because we know that young players are important, but so are the more experienced players who can teach and lead by example. There are no one without the other. coach I don’t look at age. We have many good young people, yes. Then making young people play also involves many ups and downs, and we have seen. But making them play and make them grow is good in perspective, because they will guarantee something important in future, they could become even stronger than an experienced player is now. “

Will there be an experienced forward player against Roma?
“Forward we have no problems, now we have them behind because we have few changes. Tomorrow we will have Faragò who is not ready yet and Antov who still has to get used to the Italian championship, these are the two changes in defense. The others are all out. I’m sorry that I brought bad luck to Roma in the match against Ajax, because while I was watching the game I was looking at Spinazzola and thinking about who to put against him, having no one available. As I thought about this, he got hurt. I’m sorry for him. , but on the other hand I slept better. They still have many other solutions, but Spinazzola’s 20 ‘scared me. Usually I prefer to face the full teams, but with Spinazzola you have to bring a scooter, but Valentino’s Rossi … “

You made your debut as head coach against Roma, in 2008, coaching Bologna and last year you won in Rome and were seventh in the standings … That was the high point of your career in Bologna, then the ugly challenge of December. What has changed since then?
“A lot of things have changed since December, and I hope they have changed for the better. Taking 5 goals in 45 minutes is a bit too much, but as I said it was my fault, I hadn’t prepared the game well. Surely this will not happen tomorrow. Compared to the first leg, tomorrow we will be much better physically, mentally, from the point of view of courage and awareness of the game. I’m more proactive than a group ago. I expect a great performance from us. We always play to win, never to not lose. If I look at my team, I think there are many differences, for the better. “

Did Mancini answer you?
“He sent me three kisses … In one week only this one. He didn’t call me. Maybe he calls me the coach of the under 21 for Vignato or that of Japan … Mancini anyway no, I haven’t heard from him. to call to play Padel, but I don’t think so because it is scarce “.

You were close to Rome … How do you judge Fonseca’s work?
“I decided not to go there, they weren’t the ones who took a step back. Rome is a particular place, very difficult. Among televisions, private radios, fans … it’s a mess. In my opinion Fonseca is doing well, I respect him. as a coach. Their goal was the Champions League and it’s far away, but if they do well in the Europa League I think they will save the season. Maybe Fonseca could do something more, but also much worse. So I think his work is positive. “

Could Saputo arrive in a week and could it be an opportunity to anticipate some talk about the future?
“I don’t know if he arrives. If he arrives we will all be happy but what will happen I don’t know. In any case, it is not me who has to call but him.”

Often during the match she likes to play offensive, even with two strikers close together …
“Yes, it is a solution that, however, always depends on the result. Sometimes I would also like to insert some man on cover, because it would mean that we are winning. Always inserting men forward is because we are often down, or we are drawing and I don’t like to tie. . Then fate tells me that I have no defenders, so I have to put in midfielders and forwards. At that point the attack is the best defense. “

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