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Bologna-Genoa, Mihajlovic’s conference

Sinisa Mihajlovic does not make dramas. Reduce dal 6-1 collected on the field of Inter, the Bologna coach looks beyond and thinks about the return to victory tomorrow afternoon, in the first advance of the 5th matchday of Serie A at Dall’Ara against Genoa. Here are his words at the press conference.

On the defeat with Inter

“We knew what we had to do, but every game teaches you something. The match against Inter has taught us that if you enter the pitch without the right attitude, intensity and concentration, you can lose against the formations within reach. “Inter, on the other hand, get six goals. Having said that, you have to live everything with balance and always learn. We know what the tactical mistakes were. Up to the 20th minute they crossed the half-court twice and scored two goals. We paid for every little mistake.” This tells us that we must spit blood.The impression is that Inter were more afraid of us than we of them, which allowed them to win the game. Surely six goals are not there, but sometimes it happens. I don’t see it as a defeat, but as something that can happen during a journey and that allows us to learn. We are not happy, but it can happen. But now is the time to think about the Genoa that we face at home and that we must use to redeem ourselves. Always with great attention “.

On defensive blackouts

“I’ve been here for four years and the guys know me. If the team I see that they train well, that they do the things they have to do, how can I get angry. I can’t pretend. Inter was the perfect match at the best time to us and worst for us. I always face matches to win against anyone, then maybe I take 4 or 5 goals. I am like that, unfortunately or fortunately “.

On the conditions of the team

“There are departments in which we can afford to change, while in others we cannot. We will change something, where we can: they are all fine except Schouten and Kingskey. Today we have training, then let’s see. I would like to change as little as possible: I will only do it where I will not lose quality. I don’t do experiments“.

His Orsolini

Out with Inter? It was a technical and tactical choice. I needed outsiders more inclined to defensive cover. In this sense Samson and Skov Olsen were the choices over Barrow and Orsolini “.

Su Arnautovic

He has played three games in the national team and can do it here too. We know that he has to get into shape and playing always can be an extra problem. The important thing is that you don’t get hurt, then we’ll handle it. Against Inter, he also had a family bereavement but he wanted to play even though he was not really present mentally. “

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