Home » Entertainment » Bolivian government accuses Evo Morales of creating “theater” with an alleged attack

Bolivian government accuses Evo Morales of creating “theater” with an alleged attack


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October 28, 2024 – 20:20

The Bolivian government accused Evo Morales this Monday of having created a “theater” with the alleged attack against him and pointed out that the shooting incident occurred when the former president tried to evade a police anti-drug control in the coca-growing region of Chapare. .

On Sunday, the 65-year-old former president denounced in a video a shooting attack against the vehicle in which he was traveling.

Morales, who emerged unharmed from the alleged attack in which his driver was injured, insisted on blaming agents of the government of his former minister and current president, Luis Arce, with whom he is in conflict for the candidacy of the ruling left for 2025.

“Mr. Morales, no one believes the theater you have performed, but you are going to have to respond to the Bolivian justice system for the crime of attempted murder” against a uniformed man, said the Minister of Government (Interior), Eduardo Del Castillo. , at a press conference.

According to the authority, the police signaled to one of the vehicles in Morales’ caravan to slow down, but the driver ignored the order.

“However, instead of reducing speed, they increase speed, take out firearms (…) fire shots from a vehicle” against the agents, said Del Castillo.

A uniformed officer was injured when he was hit by one of the vehicles, according to the minister.

For his part, former President Morales points out that the car was shot 14 times.


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