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Boleslav footballers beat Paksi and are in Europe: Mladá Boleslav

The beginning of the match was nervous and disorganized from both sides. In the 3rd minute, Vecsei shot hard from twenty-five meters to the left post, from which Trmal successfully kicked the ball away.

After slight Hungarian pressure in the 14th minute, Ladro shot from twenty-five meters for a change into the center of the goal, where the goalkeeper Simon was ready.

In the 18th minute after Králov’s center Jawa’s header was pushed out from under the crossbar to the first Boleslav corner, after which the Boleslav team no longer threatened the opponent’s goal.

In the 19th minute, Haraszti made his way through Krále into the Boleslav goal and his shot from an angle was knocked off the near post by Trmal into the corner, which the Boleslav defense managed. In the 23rd minute, after Suché held up Tóth with a free kick, Haraszti shot the player’s wall.

In the 31st minute, Tóth got free through Králik and shot from the edge of the goal into the center of the goal, where Trmal was ready. In the 35th minute, Vecsei also shot Trmal’s arm from less than twenty meters away. In the 37th minute, at the end of Boleslav’s offensive action, Ladra and Sakala’s shots were not allowed by the defenders to reach goalkeeper Simon, and Kušej’s shooting attempt was very inaccurate.

In the 39th minute, Tóth headed weakly into Trmal’s gloves. In the 42nd minute, Haraszti’s dangerous cross was blocked by Králik in the small area. In the 44th minute, Trmal pushed Mezei’s shot from twenty-five meters over the crossbar, and the subsequent corner was saved by Boleslav. After one set minute, the first half ended goalless.

Entering the second act, the Mladá Boleslav footballers did extremely well. Otter’s ground shot was still easily caught by Simon, but a moment later he already capitulated. In the 48th minute, Jawo broke through three opponents in front of the goal and hit the left post with his right hand, where Simon was reaching in vain – 0:1.

In the 51st minute, the Paksi players combined to create a chance, but Osvath himself missed the Boleslav goal with a ground finish in front of Trmal.

In the 55th minute, Králik headed a free kick played by Ladra from the left line exactly to the right post, and the second goal in the Hungarian net was valid even after a two-minute VAR check – 0:2.

The double leadership significantly influenced the events on the pitch. Boleslav were on the ball more often and maintained control over the game. In the 60th minute, after Kušej’s vertical shot from Ladro’s lunge, there was only a corner that Ladra played to Kušej, whose center none of the teammates in front of the goal reached and Simon boxed the ball outside the penalty area.

Around the 63rd minute, two Hungarian corners lacked a finish. In the 64th minute, Ladro’s shot was caught by Simon, and in the next minute, the Paksa goalkeeper, with the support of his teammates, foiled another Ladro penetration. In the 67th minute, Kušej was paddling alone against Simon, who caught him with a timely run.

In the 71st, Vydra went with the ball almost across the field, but did not sign to increase the score. In the 76th minute, Balogh’s free kick ended up with Trmal, who was fouled by an opponent and the accurate Belgian referee whistled for an offensive foul.

With the end of the match approaching, the Hungarian footballers got up to increase the pressure on Trmal’s goal, but did not overcome its keeper.

In the 83rd minute, the highly experienced Böde weaved his way through the four Boleslav opponents, but at the decisive moment the ball slipped away from him and Trmal easily picked it up.

In the 84th minute, Boleslav resisted the opponent’s last corner and a minute later, Böde headed from the center from the right to the well-placed Trmal.

Referee Visser added five minutes over the standard portion, and in them the fresh Matějovský started a combination action from the right wing, during which the ball traveled through Langhamer and Kadlec to Pulkrab, who made the Boleslav win clear – 0:3.

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