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Boiling Water to Reduce Microplastics: New Research Provides a Simple Solution

Boiling Water Could Reduce Microplastics in Drinking Water, Study Finds

Why boiling water works to reduce microplastics

Tiny plastic particles, known as microplastics, are disturbingly widespread, appearing in food, breast milk, and even clouds. However, a recent study published in Environmental Science & Technology Letters suggests that there is a simple solution to diminishing microplastics in tap water: boiling it.

In the study conducted by professors Zhanjun Li and Eddy Y. Zeng from Guangzhou Medical University and Jinan University, respectively, tap water samples from 14 countries were analyzed. The researchers found that boiling and filtering water could remove up to 90 percent of the microplastics.

Should you try this at home?

The impact of consuming microplastics is not yet fully understood, and further research is needed to determine the potential health risks. The effectiveness of boiling and filtering tap water may vary depending on the region, as water quality and microplastic content differ. However, boiling water is an easy and accessible method to potentially reduce the presence of harmful microbes, parasites, and viruses.

If you decide to try this method, the researchers advise letting the water settle for 5 to 10 minutes and allowing it to cool before filtering out the solids. It is important to note that boiling water may be less effective in areas with “softer” water.

Promoting positive change

While completely eliminating existing plastic pollution may be a daunting task, this study offers a feasible solution for alleviating the detrimental effects of microplastics. Boiling water, a simple and accessible practice, demonstrates the potential for making a meaningful impact on reducing plastic pollution.

Senior scientist Chris Reddy acknowledges that vacuuming up all existing plastic debris is unlikely. However, he believes that implementing widespread changes in how plastic is presently impacting the environment can lead to significant positive changes.

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