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Boiling in Kosovo… and NATO responds to “Serbia’s request”

Belgrade He gave her the right to send a thousand Serbian soldiers and policemen Kosovo On the impact of rising tension in the north of the former separatist region.

The Italian general Angelo Michele Restuccia, commander of the peace force (infidels), to the direct Serbian request, but he assured that his forces are still able to fix the situation.

he said in a statement released BORN: "We expect all sides to coordinate extensively with Kafour and refrain from any provocative show of force in order to ensure the safety of all groups.".

added that "KFOR has all the capabilities, even at the level of many, to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all groups across Kosovo"referring to the mandate given to his force by the United Nations.

And he continued "Since October, we have increased our presence, notably by sending additional troops and patrols into northern Kosovo this week".

Hundreds of Kosovo Serbs installed barriers that paralyzed movement at two border crossings with Serbia, in protest against the arrest of a former policeman.

Albanian-majority Kosovo declared its independence in 2008, which was not recognized by Serbia in parallel with its encouragement of the Serb minority to refuse to recognize Pristina’s authority.

On Thursday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that there would be a return of Serbian soldiers and policemen "mission to protect the Serbian population" In the former territory and will "Significantly reduce tensions".

Crisis details

  • Tensions have risen dramatically in northern Kosovo, where more than a third live Kosovo Serbs The 120,000 when it was announced Prishtina His intention is to hold elections in municipalities with a Serbian majority.
  • Serbia’s largest party announced it would boycott the runoff, which was postponed Kosovo authorities elections in April.
  • At the heart of the dispute between Belgrade and PristinaThe Serb minority has refused to recognize the authority of the Kosovo government at a time when Pristina wants to impose its sovereignty over the entire province.


And I asked Belgrade He gave her the right to send a thousand Serbian soldiers and policemen Kosovo On the impact of rising tension in the north of the former separatist region.

The Italian general Angelo Michele Restuccia, commander of the peace force (infidels), to the direct Serbian request, but he assured that his forces are still able to fix the situation.

he said in a statement released BORNWe expect all sides to coordinate extensively with Kafour and refrain from any provocative show of force with a view to ensuring the safety of all groups.

“KFOR has all the capabilities, even at the level of many, to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all groups across Kosovo,” he added, referring to the mandate granted to his force by the United Nations.

“Since October, we have strengthened our presence, notably by sending additional troops and patrols into northern Kosovo this week,” he added.

Hundreds of Kosovo Serbs installed barriers that paralyzed movement at two border crossings with Serbia, in protest against the arrest of a former policeman.

Albanian-majority Kosovo declared its independence in 2008, which was not recognized by Serbia in parallel with its encouragement of the Serb minority to refuse to recognize Pristina’s authority.

On Thursday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that the return of Serbian soldiers and policemen would be “important to protect the Serbian population” in the former province and “will significantly reduce tensions”.

Crisis details

  • Tensions have risen dramatically in northern Kosovo, where more than a third live Kosovo Serbs The 120,000 when it was announced Prishtina His intention is to hold elections in municipalities with a Serbian majority.
  • Serbia’s largest party announced it would boycott the runoff, which was postponed Kosovo authorities elections in April.
  • At the heart of the dispute between Belgrade and PristinaThe Serb minority has refused to recognize the authority of the Kosovo government at a time when Pristina wants to impose its sovereignty over the entire province.

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