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Boiled corn regulates intestinal transit

Boiled or baked corn, along with watermelons or melons are part of the culinary pleasures of summer, but do you know why they are beneficial to your health?

Corn is one of the richest products in unsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated acids, vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as in mineral salts (magnesium, phosphorus, potassium) antioxidants and fiber.

Practically in a single corn cob no matter if it is boiled or baked, a real dose of health is hidden. Especially because due to the high concentration of magnesium it contains, corn becomes the main ally in the fight against aging of the body.

It protects you from stress

Another quality of constant consumption of corn is that it helps the functioning of the nervous system, muscles, heart and the production of red blood cells.

Vitamin E in its composition gives you protection against arthritis and more. With a single corn consumed daily, it contributes substantially to reducing the risk of heart disease and the development of cancer cells.

Helps digestion

Because it has a high fiber content, it contributes substantially to the regulation of intestinal transit, being a good diuretic that over time if consumed almost daily can combat the body’s water retention.

If you face edema, the best remedy is to take two corn cobs to remove the grains and then boil the cobs for an hour. After it has cooled, strain the juice, put it in the fridge and consume it 2-3 cups a day until the edema has disappeared.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro how you can treat colds or burns with polenta and corn oil!

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