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Boher is afraid for Irina and denounces Andrès to his superiors.

The idyll Andrès-Luna was gaining momentum since their meeting in her horse therapy lessons. The two lovers hung on well, but the sincerity requested by both was not respected by Andres. However, does the production will keep an opening for this character at another time in the series? When he got out of prison, for example?

Luna, not fooled, investigating Andrès

Despite being completely addicted to Andrès, Luna also has a certain distrust of her. From the first lift on his legs, it was to watch this man.

She discovered that he was Pavel.

Andrès knew each time at the right time to tell her more about her life. Now, she follows him in his car and then collects responses from himself. He has a certain ease in lying. But he still admits things to her.

The last car chase was up to the analysis laboratory. Irina is indeed Pavel’s daughter. He will try to speak to her, but she will flee all exchange and remind him that she will kill him soon. Luna will learn that Irina is the daughter of Andrès.

Boher protects Irina

Boher is concerned that his partner is in danger. He does not respect his request to arrest Pavel together, without involving the police. But is he wrong? Irina has a deep desire for revenge against Pavel and could put herself in danger. She puts herself in danger. It was she who murdered the prosecutor because she believed she was Pavel.

Patrick Nebout and Revel have just been informed that Pavel is Andrès.

How will Irina react to this admission? Revel, engaged in this investigation following his public interventions, wishes to fulfill its promise to resolve this long-standing affair. He does not hesitate to demand results. Nebout, under pressure from this superior, prepared a plan to arrest Pavel.

Andrès, killed or in prison?

By the end of the week, Luna will learn that Andres has again lied to her about Anton’s death.

Will this new betrayal be able to accept and forgive it? Andrès, a criminal for a long time, cannot get out of this status. Mirta had already announced this to her daughter during their last exchange. Luna was packing her suitcase to move in to Andrès.

There are three choices for Andrès:

  • the prison,
  • run away alone
  • go far with Luna

Will Irina or the police take him down? Irina overwhelmed by this criminal will she manage to face it alone? Will Boher’s kindness break his relationship?

The next episodes of this week will end this season on Pavel.

For what next?

Baptiste’s sister Thérèse was due to return to the series in June 2020. There is a delay in her return given the confinement.

What will happen to him in the next episodes?


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