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Bogdan Stupka’s widow: Granddaughter said: “It won’t be like it was under Boda”

On August 27, the famous Ukrainian actor would have turned 80 years old.

Larisa Stupka, wife famous actor, recalled with “KP in Ukraine” how she kicked director Danchenko out the door for criticizing her husband, and also confessed why she had not been at his grave for three years.

Larisa Semyonovna is 79 years old. Lives in the center of Kiev, not far from the Theater. Franco, where her husband worked for over 30 years and where now she goes to performances son and grandson… Numerous relatives often visit her house: “I just spent her daughter-in-law Irochka (ex-wife of Ostap’s son. – Ed.) With the children, she was in the cemetery, where the memorial on the grave of Bogdan Silvestrovich was fortified. She fed everyone, they have no hot water. – were redeemed because I have a column. “

– Good luck that I heard a call from you to your home number, – continues Larisa Semyonovna. – Grandchildren press buttons, “call” their parents: “Mom, I love you!” And that’s it, the sound disappeared. I do not call the master – no one understands this in the theater, and this rare apparatus – even Bogdan Silvestrovich once acquired.

– Larisa Semyonovna, how is your life?

– I don’t even know how to answer this question. You wake up in the morning and, as my mother used to say, if you hear and see, then life goes on. Of course, there are times when I miss and cry for my husband. Then I sit down to review the photographs, listen to radio recordings of his performances, watch films. I hear his voice, and it seems that he went on tour and will be back soon. Children come – we revise together. Of course it’s hard. As Ustin’s granddaughter recently told me: “It will not be the same as under Bode.” After the death of Bogdanchik, I was practically left with nothing: both morally and materially.

– The archive of her husband’s creative works – did he collect it?

– Tamara Boyko, the chief editor of Ukrtelefilm, helped us a lot. Their studio filmed many performances, creative meetings of her husband. When Sergei Danchenko was the main director of the theater, he was convinced that nothing of this was needed. So they did not shoot “Uncle Vanya”, for the role in which Bogdan Silvestrovich received a state prize. And he became a People’s Artist of the Ukrainian SSR after touring with a performance in Moscow. Wherever the theater went – Tel Aviv, Munich, New York – no one archived anything, because the director did not want to pay. And Danchenko was a creative person, he didn’t interfere a lot with money issues: “It’s impossible – it means it’s impossible”.

Tamara filmed Bogdan Silvestrovich on her own initiative, thanks to her for that, I like to watch her chronicles. And on television I get to see Bogdanchik’s films – “White Bird with a Black Mark”, “Babylon”, “Stolen Happiness” – it’s a pity that they are rarely shown. I turn on the TV every day – I watch my grandson Dimochka (Dmitry Stupka has recently been the host of one of the TV channels. – Ed.). He’s like a son to me – he’s been with us since nine months.

Dmitry is like a son for Larisa Semyonovna. He has been with her since nine months. Photo: Larisa Stupka’s archive.

– Why did it happen?

“I don’t want to say anything about his mother, but he would have disappeared with her.” But I still always taught him that he has a mother, she must be respected. I was always called grandmother, and Bogdan Silvestrovich – Bodey. All the grandchildren called him that.

When Dimochka appeared with us, I had just retired. Although, to be honest, I could have done it before – after twenty years of work in ballet. But they didn’t let me go from the capital’s opera (before that Larisa Stupka was a ballerina of the Lviv Opera Theater. – Ed.), And I continued to work. And then she was happy to babysit Dima! In general, I love children very much, I even went to America – I brought up strangers.

– And they said that you taught abroad …

– Maybe, due to your age, you did not find the 90s, but there was a problem. And I found a job as a nanny. And Bogdan Silvestrovich stayed in Kiev with Ostap and Dima. I found a woman who came to clean the apartment, and they cooked the food themselves. Ostap is a wonderful cook, he can fry, steam, and twist – whatever you want. So they survived for four years.

– Bogdan Silvestrovich often said in his interviews that he became what he became, largely thanks to you.

“I think he flattered me by saying that. I was tough when I was young. I remember that Ostap and I were sleeping in Lvov – he went to school in the morning, I went to rehearsal – and suddenly someone pulled me by the shoulder. Bogdan is standing with a bottle of champagne: “Lorochka, we’ve come!” I ask again: “Who are we?” He: “There are guests in the corridor.” I left: “I beg you: go home.” She closed the door and went to bed. In the morning, Bogdanchik told me: “Do you know who it was? The city committee of the Komsomol from Moscow.” “I don’t care!” I said. “Even if you bring Brezhnev, you will get the same result.”

And once I kicked Danchenko out of the apartment. Already here in Kiev. He came and gave me a rose. We sat down in the kitchen with Bogdanchik. And my husband then starred in Moscow in the film “Vavilov”, there was such a picture about scientists. And Sergei Vladimirovich said that he didn’t like something there. I got up and said: “Get up and get out!” He turns a puzzled look at Bogdan, who is silent, shrugs his shoulders. Danchenko is a very polite person, he left. And since they had already taken a lot by that time, in the morning I did not remember any of this. But I was indignant for a long time: this is necessary – he eats my cutlets and criticizes her husband!

I remember we just arrived in Kiev from Lvov and met some director from Crimea. And Bogdan Silvestrovich was very fond of communication. We sat and talked, going home, this man comes with us. But Bodya doesn’t say anything to me. We approach our house on Khreshchatyk, Bogdan says: “This is where I live, let’s go.” And we have no furniture, nothing. Only 17 boxes from under the TV with things. I lay it on the floor: a mattress, a pillow, a kotsik. Do you know what a “kotsik” is? So what kind of Ukrainian are you (laughs)! Kotsik is a blanket.

I lay down and say: “It’s uncomfortable that it’s on the floor.” He: “Never mind, get used to it, people will come.” And then I could not resist: “You are my first and last unexpected guest on Khreshchatyk!” The wife should be the keeper of the home and protect the husband.

– You often in conversation remember the former daughter-in-law Irina. Are you friends?

– I’m friends with everyone! Most often I have Ira with children Ustina and Bogdan, grandson Dima. Dasha, the current wife of Ostap, comes to all the holidays. I love her too, and my grandchildren love her, they are friends. I often joke: “We are a lot – we cannot be polished.”

Ostap Stupka
With his son Ostap. Photo: Larisa Stupka’s archive.

– How did you celebrate family holidays when Bogdan Silvestrovich was alive?

– Bogdanchik liked to invite friends. We often met at our favorite restaurant “Da Vinci” – absolutely all holidays were celebrated there. Or in “Fellini”, which is not far from home. Even his daughter-in-law Ira brought him ice cream from there as a present from the restaurant. And on the day of the funeral, in the evening I went with a friend to “Fellini” – we were served dinner. Then I asked: “How much do you owe you?” They say: “We are treating you today.” I cried. And then, passing by the restaurant, I often met Yevgeny Marchuk on the summer ground. I didn’t know him personally, but I greeted him. He got up from the table, greeted.

– Larisa Semyonovna, do you have enough to live on?

– These are the sums for utilities – Mom, do not worry!

– Children help?

– Are they businessmen? All year they were sitting on 60 percent of the salary during the quarantine. Do you think it’s easy? And the housekeeping service is very bad. In winter they heat so much that I go at home in warm Hutsul boots. And I sleep in a terry robe under the feather bed. And if the services think that they are drowning, then let them think that I am crying.

The house was last restored more than thirty years ago – everything is crumbling, but no one cares. The moldings, frescoes, when they fall, directly rumble. I called the architectural department and you know what they answered me: “Let it fall apart!” This is literal.

– Do you go to your dacha in Koncha-Zaspa, which was allocated to you for life?

– You know, such payments began to come from there that they grabbed our heads! We could not pay – there are simply astronomical amounts. Even if everyone had gathered, they would not have mastered it. Therefore, in recent years, they have been very rare. Ustinochka’s granddaughter went to pick up some things, and the director … changed the locks. And we left everything there – furniture, books, photographs … Now our distant relative lives there. Has made repairs and says that she dreams of opening a museum of Bogdan Stupka in this house.

– A lot of celebrations in honor of your husband’s anniversary are planned in Ukraine these days. Will you attend?

– They invite me around, but everything will depend on my condition. I don’t have a “crown” on my head: my name is – I always respond. But two years ago I had a thyroid operation. And it still doesn’t work – it’s very difficult. For the last three years I have never been to my husband’s grave. I feel bad, it happens that in the morning I just can’t get my thoughts together. What can I say, everything in the body changes with age.

And I still don’t go so as not to get upset. The monument that was erected at the grave of Bogdanchik is, in my opinion, a museum piece. You know, there is such a director Nikolai Zaseev, he called me once: “Larochka, I was at the grave of Bogdan Silvestrovich – how good it is! Everything is neatly done: flowers, a cross, his photograph. The earth breathes – nothing else is needed.”

And Ira planted a lot of greenery there, viburnum. And I agree with him: the earth breathed, and now – marble, metal. This is a museum piece! As for me, it was just necessary to put a modest stone. Nothing else was needed.


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