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Boeing Starliner test flight to ISS postponed to 2022

The Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft was tethered atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket last summer. The August launch was called off and NASA says it is now looking to relaunch next year.

United Launch Alliance

Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft continues to struggle to reach the International Space Station as the test of unmanned Orbital Flight 2 is now pushed to the International Space Station next year. The test is part of NASA’s Commercial Crew program, in which the space agency is working with private companies such as Boeing and SpaceX to get astronauts to the station.

NASA said Friday that the team behind OFT-2 is “working to find launch opportunities in the first half of 2022.” follow it Pure launch last August. In December 2019, the first major Starliner did not fly as planned, Met Launch of unmanned spacecraft, but suffers a timing problem and fails to reach the International Space Station. However, he has returned safely to Earth.

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