Training your pecs doesn’t necessarily require tools, heavy dumbbells or a bench, you can also train it much easier.
Pushups or Push Ups are a very simple and effective way to get great satisfaction.
There are many types of push-ups, which also manage to train and engage other muscles in the body at the same time.
For the more inexperienced, it might be a good idea to start with knee push ups.
Push-ups with supported knees are definitely an easy way to learn the technique.
The right execution requires the knees resting on a mat, to have a softer surface and at the same time have the feet slightly raised. Then have your arms outstretched and your hands firmly on the floor, stretch and get back up and obviously repeat the exercise several times.
It is also important to remember to always have theabdomen contract.
Once you have passed this initial phase you can move on to the next step and increase the difficulty.
Bodyweight chest training has never been so quick and easy
Pushing up takes very little time and the results are guaranteed. Soon you will have an explosive and well defined chest, also gaining great strength in the arms.
The classic push up involves pecs and triceps.
Unlike the Push Up on the knees, the position will be with the legs extended, feet together, extending the arms and trying to go down as far as possible until they touch the floor.
Always try not to lift the glute too much upwards and do the exercise not too quickly.
Another type is the push-up with the legs raised.
It is an exercise for the most trained and requires only the help of a chair by placing the feet on it.
It will require significantly more effort, including the delts and shoulders.
There are still many other types of exercises, such as tight grip, diamond push ups.
This is why bodyweight chest training has never been so quick and easy.
Always remember not to spend too much time between one set and another, and especially the pectorals are a muscle that requires rest, so avoid not straining too many times during the week.
Recovery time is essential between one repetition and another, fifteen, maximum 30 seconds are more than enough.
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