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Bodybuilding exercises | Mix

Ammon – Of course, here is a group of bodybuilding exercises that can contribute to strengthening and amplifying muscles. It is preferable to perform these exercises using correct techniques and gradually to achieve the best results. Before you start, remember that it can be helpful to consult a professional athletic trainer to ensure that the exercises are performed correctly and safely. Here are some exercises:

Chest exercises:
1. Bench Press:
– Squat on the benches and lie on your back, then grab the weights and slowly lower them to your chest and then push them up.

2. Dumbbell Press:
Hold a dumbbell in each hand, lie down on a bench press, then rotate the weights up.

Back exercises:
1. Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups:
Use a pull-up bar, and pull your body towards the bar a distance that allows you to send your head over the bar (Pull-Ups) or your face toward it (Chin-Ups).

2. Cable Lat Pulldowns
– Use the cable machine and the overhead pull rope, sit up and hold the rope, then slowly pull the rope towards your chest.

Leg exercises:
1. Squats:
Face forward and hold the dumbbells (if you are using them), bend at the knees and hips until they are low and then rise.

2. Lunges:
Take long steps forward or backward and lower the back knee toward the ground until the front knee reaches a 90-degree angle.

Arm exercises:
1. Dumbbell Bicep Curls:
Hold a dumbbell in each hand, stand straight and slowly bend your arms.

2. Tricep Dips
– Use a high crossbar or a chair, sit standing with the handles of the crossbar and bend your arms until you lower your body.

Remember that the exercise techniques are correct and avoid using too heavy weights at first. You can vary these exercises and add other exercises over time to achieve better results.

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