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Bodosaki Foundation – SolidarityNow: €15 million for Civil Society in Greece –

Survivors of gender-based violence, people with disabilities and psychosocial difficulties, victims of torture, victims of human trafficking, asylum seekers and refugees, second-generation immigrants, Roma, prisoners in prisons, elderly people, LGBTI+ people, people living below the threshold of of poverty, students, teachers, parents and guardians, young men and women, are just some of the groups that were supported by the Active Citizens Fund Greece program.

The €15 million Active Citizens Fund Greece, which started in 2019 and was completed, constitutes the largest funding for Civil Society in Greecewas funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and is part of the European Economic Area (EEA) funding mechanism known as EEA Grants.

The program aimed at strengthening and strengthening the sustainability of Civil Society and highlighting its role in promoting democratic processes, strengthening citizen participation in society and defending human rights. The management of the grant of the Active citizens Fund program for Greece was undertaken jointly by the Bodosaki Foundation and SolidarityNow.

Bodosaki Foundation – SolidarityNow: €15 million for Civil Society in Greece

Bodosaki Foundation – SolidarityNow: €15 million for Civil Society in Greece

Bodosaki Foundation – SolidarityNow: €15 million for Civil Society in Greece

As part of the program, 208 organizations (Civil Society organizations, informal groups, universities, local government) were granted grants, which implemented 128 projects both in large urban centers (Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Heraklion, Ioannina, etc.) and in rural, island and remote areas of our country (Regions of Epirus, Western and Central Macedonia, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Cyclades, North and South Aegean, etc.).

The direct beneficiaries exceeded 152,000while over 4.3 million people were informed through 702 awareness-raising activities under the program on issues related to rights, equality and good governance.

The projects that were implemented were selected from among the 586 project proposals submitted for funding by Civil Society bodies in the seven open calls for project proposals and concern the strengthening of citizen participation in society, the strengthening of advocacy and the supervisory role of Civil Society , the defense of human rights, the promotion of gender equality, the fight against gender-based violence, the empowerment of vulnerable groups and the empowerment of Civil Society organizations and the sector.

Bodosaki Foundation – SolidarityNow: €15 million for Civil Society in Greece

The stories of success and change achieved through the program were celebrated at the Closing Ceremony at the Athens Conservatory in the presence of representatives of Civil Society and donor countries. The ceremony included a photo exhibition, documentary screening and the telling of stories of change.

“If we want Europe to continue to be a beacon of democracy and freedom in our world, we need a stronger and more cohesive Civil Society sector. A sector that will focus on the basic principles of democracy and the rule of law, the fight against corruption and the promotion of transparency and human rights.

Over the past 30 years, Norway and Greece have worked together under the EEA Agreement to reduce social and economic inequalities, while at the same time strengthening our bilateral relations based on shared values ​​and goals.

Bodosaki Foundation – SolidarityNow: €15 million for Civil Society in Greece

During the new financing period of EEA Grants, 159 million euros will be allocated to Greece until 2031. 15 of them will be given to support Civil Society. We will continue to work together, for a green, competitive, inclusive Europe.” said Lajla Brandt Jakhelln, Ambassador of Norway.

“History has shown us that, in times of crisis, the role of the CPC becomes more relevant. Today, when our world faces so many challenges, the contribution that the CoP can have to a healthy democracy based on respect for the values ​​of freedom, equality, the rule of law and human rights is decisive.

We are therefore grateful to the donor countries of the EEA Grants – Iceland, Liechtenstein and especially Norway, who put the strengthening of Civil Society as a priority, allocating 15 million euros to the Active Citizens Fund program,” said Athena Desypri, President of the Bodosaki Foundation.

Bodosaki Foundation – SolidarityNow: €15 million for Civil Society in Greece

“The Active Citizens Fund has been a catalyst for change, offering Civil Society organizations the opportunity to grow, strengthen and play a key role in promoting social justice in Greece.

SolidarityNow’s collaboration with the Bodosaki Foundation, as grant managers, as well as the bilateral relations developed with the Donor Countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, have proven that shared values ​​and a vision for a fairer and more inclusive society can lead to real and sustainable changes”, pointed out Stelios Zavvos, President of SolidarityNow.

More than 113,400 people belonging to vulnerable groups benefited from specially designed actions

The results achieved in the themes of the Active Citizens Fund Greece, which has just been completed, are significant and the impact of the projects is extensive. More than 113,400 people belonging to vulnerable groups benefited from specially designed actions aimed at empowering them and strengthening their position in society.

Also, 14,700 people were trained in human rights issues, while over 4,000 civil servants participated in capacity building trainings for the protection and promotion of human rights.

With the aim of promoting transparency, accountability and good governance, 53 advocacy campaigns, as well as 44 initiatives for the active participation of citizens in public affairs, were carried out within the program.

Bodosaki Foundation – SolidarityNow: €15 million for Civil Society in Greece

Bodosaki Foundation – SolidarityNow: €15 million for Civil Society in Greece

In addition, the program significantly strengthened the bilateral cooperation between Greece and the Donor Countries – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Through 49 initiatives, cross-border cooperation between Greek organizations and corresponding bodies from donor countries was supported, with more than 750 participants.

At the same time, the program actively promoted regional cooperation between the EEA beneficiary countries and the exchange of knowledge between more than 200 Greek and international Civil Society organizations, bringing together more than 500 participants and encouraging the adoption of good practices and innovative solutions.

Finally, it is worth noting that within the framework of the program, a survey was carried out for the first time in Greece, by IOBE, to measure the contribution of Civil Society to the Greek economy, the findings of which are available.

The detailed program results can be found on the program website.

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