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“Bodies” in the Frankfurt lab: eroticism with machine arms

Man, machine: Geomyung Jeong (in the back of the picture) with her “bodies” in the Frankfurt Lab.
Image: Ayla Pierrot Arendt

Naked body on artificial arms, legs, bellies and tongues: Geomyung Jeong streams her robot performance from the lab for the “Frankfurt Positions”. There is a lack of corporeality for another reason.

IIn the vast majority of her performances, Geomyung Jeong wears nothing. At least towards the end. Her naked body hugs arms, legs, bellies, tongues that share one thing: They are all artificial. Now it moves with the times in every way. Her latest work “Test Run” is not a live performance or it is only one under limited conditions. The production, commissioned by the “Frankfurter Positions” festival, is streamed from the Frankfurt Lab, which is empty except for Jeong and the technical staff. And the performer wears the garment of the Corona hour: jogging pants. Even if in front of the camera.

But that is not the reason why the central element of the more than three-hour performance “Test Run” lacks flesh and blood, bones and corporeality. For a good hour Jeong gives gentle commands, sets levers in motion or fiddles with control buttons that instead of nipples adorn a torso that she straps around herself. Where the machines become partners, the performer equips herself with equipment that gives her additional opportunities.

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