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Bobigny: is the teacher with alternative methods transferred because of “union repression”?

It was not she who spoke, but her colleagues or union activists. This week, several teachers’ unions organized a press conference at the Bobigny Labor Exchange (Seine-Saint-Denis) in support of Hélène Careil. Teacher at Marie-Curie elementary school in Bobigny, activist at Sud Education 93, according to them she is a victim of “union repression”.

On February 19, the one who has been teaching for seven years in the establishment learned by a letter from the academic management that she was going to be transferred “in the interest of the service” to a school in Aubervilliers from March 1.

“This decision was taken against her will,” emphasizes Sabine, school principal and activist at Sud Education 93. Hélène defends Freinet pedagogy (Editor’s note: alternative movement which notably advocates the learning of schoolchildren through experimentation and cooperation). This change is only the culmination of the pressures she and some of her colleagues have been under for almost two years. The academic management wants to dismantle this school recognized in the department for its teaching practices. This shows once again to what extent the ministry is trying to hamper the pedagogical freedom of teachers by imposing formatted tools on them that shatter the collective work that they have striven to build for years. “

Support petition collects 12,000 signatures

In early February, the union launched a petition asking for the retention of the teacher in Bobigny, who has collected more than 12,000 signatures. He criticized in particular the working conditions within the establishment since the retirement of its former director, Véronique Decker. This well-known figure of the educational community in Seine-Saint-Denis, activist of Freinet pedagogy, led for twenty years this school classified REP + priority education network, located at the foot of the towers of downtown Bobigny.

“Since the start of the 2019 school year, after the departure of Véronique Decker, the National Education Inspector of Bobigny 1 has continued to target part of the teaching team by using authoritarian, guilt-inducing and infantilizing managerial practices. which call into question a school project established around the Freinet pedagogy for many years, ”reports the petition.

“The administration wanted to seize my departure to change the establishment, believing that I was a kind of guru to which the teachers were subject, ironically Véronique Decker. However, they discovered that this was not the case, that a whole team was united around the Freinet pedagogy. They chose to force their way, when it is clearly not legal. Transferring in the interests of service supposes that there is something justifying Helene’s leaving. But parents and colleagues do not complain. “

“The interest of the pupils does not seem central in this affair”

“We parents don’t know everything that goes on in the teachers’ room, but what is certain is that good instits like Hélène Careil, we want to keep them. She has never caused problems with a student or a family, points out Aline Charron, representative of the association of parents of FCPE students within the establishment. The inspection did not attempt to mediate and preferred to take a brutal decision. The interests of staff and students do not seem central in this case. “

Newsletter The essentials of 93

A tour of the news in Seine-Saint-Denis and the IDF

According to the unions, the transfer of Hélène was notably justified by the fact that she would have a responsibility in the “alleged dysfunctions of the school”. What they strongly dispute. “The academic management says that the students perform worse in school assessments than in the rest of the town. This is simply wrong, ”they say. When contacted, the academic direction did not respond to our requests.

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