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Bobi Stripped of Title as Oldest Dog Ever by Guinness World Records

Controversy Surrounding Bobi, the Alleged <a data-ail="4879211" target="_blank" href="https://www.world-today-news.com/category/world/" >World</a>’s Oldest Dog

Controversy Surrounding Bobi, the Alleged World’s Oldest Dog

Guinness World Records retracts Bobi’s title

On Feb. 2, 2023, Guinness World Records officially crowned Bobi as the oldest dog ever, reaching the remarkable age of 30 years and 267 days. However, just over a year later, Guinness posthumously stripped Bobi of the honor, citing a lack of evidence supporting his claim as the record holder.

Suspicions arise surrounding Bobi’s age

The skepticism surrounding Bobi’s age emerged shortly after his death. English veterinarian Danny Chambers, a council member for the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, questioned the validity of Bobi’s claim, stating that it was highly implausible for a dog to live over 200 years in human equivalence. Other veterinary professionals also expressed doubts, considering that smaller breeds typically live into their late teens.

Investigation and lack of evidence

Guinness World Records initiated a formal review into Bobi’s age. In January, it was announced that Guinness was conducting a thorough investigation to verify Bobi’s title. However, in a recent statement, Guinness admitted that it no longer possessed the evidence required to support Bobi’s claim as the world’s oldest dog.

The breed and comparison to previous record holder

Bobi, a Rafeiro do Alentejo breed which typically lives between 12 and 14 years, surpassed the previous record holder, Bluey, an Australian cattle dog that lived for 29 years and five months. Bobi’s achievement made headlines worldwide, capturing the attention of dog lovers and the media alike.

The controversial life story of Bobi

In 1992, Bobi, one of the puppies of his litter, escaped a fate the other puppies suffered. Discovered by Leonel Costa, Bobi became a secret member of Costa’s family. Over time, Bobi integrated himself into the family, enjoying a content and peaceful life on their farm. Costa attributed Bobi’s longevity to the serene environment and dietary choices.

The search for a new titleholder

As Guinness World Records retracts Bobi’s title, no new titleholder has been officially decided. Guinness encourages pet owners worldwide to come forward and participate in the search for the world’s oldest dog, hoping that the quest for the record will inspire discussions on pet longevity and happiness.

Quality of life trumps longevity

Veterinarian Danny Chambers expressed that while medical advancements may one day enable dogs to live routinely into their early thirties, the focus should always remain on a dog’s quality of life rather than their lifespan. Happy and healthy days, in the company of their owners, are what dogs truly cherish.

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