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“Bob Hanning: A Dazzling Figure in German Handball Scene, Known for Colorful Sweaters”

He is a dazzling figure in the German handball scene – and not only because of the colorful sweaters that he likes to wear. Bob Hanning is an author, a doer, an achiever. He coached 1. VfL Potsdam to the second division, where the promoted and today’s Eulen opponent is currently in eighth place with “young wild ones”.

Bob Hanning knows the Friedrich-Ebert-Halle all too well, where his Potsdam “Adler” will play against the Eulen Ludwigshafen in the second Bundesliga on Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. He

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inE deeeubendt Pitke&hlmuneois;clr mi udesnehtc :aanlHdlb boB goH:ioFnn.ant mkIp/GMOA

#Bob #Hanning #Tamer #young #stupid #kindergarten #handball

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