They receive support from mayors. In the Security Meeting tonight, they will urge Minister Ferd Grapperhaus (Justice and Security) to provide boas with spit masks, RTLNieuws reports.
When enforcing the corona rules, it often happens that boas are threatened or spat on. They have therefore been insisting on the use of saliva caps for some time. Minister Grapperhaus, however, does not like this.
Spit caps are gauze-like masks that can be pulled over a person’s head. You can still breathe, but no longer spit. Some police forces are already using it.
Grapperhaus finds it unacceptable that officers are spit on during their work. They are therefore already allowed to use spit caps. He thinks this is going too far for boas, because it is a means of deprivation of liberty. In a letter to the minister who has seen RTLNieuws, the mayors write that they find it “just as unacceptable” when boas are spit on during their work.
If boas are spit on, they now have to use force to stop someone from spitting it. That is not necessary with a spit hood, they write.
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