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Board updates consumers and companies on regulations on unofficial education and mortgage securitization


The regulatory update in relation to the rights of consumers in unofficial (unregulated) education and the right to information in those cases affected by the mortgage loan securitization decree have been the two subjects in which the around 80 attendees and participants in the Virtual Training Day on Regulatory News, held this Wednesday, May 12, and promoted by the General Directorate of Consumption of the Ministry of Health and Families of the Junta de Andalucía, in collaboration with the Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP).

The general director of Consumption, Alberto Fernández, and the managing director of the EASP, Blanca Fernández-Capel, gave an institutional welcome to all the participants, most of them members and heads of consumer associations and organizations and the business community. In turn, they thanked both the speaker and the staff of the General Directorate of Consumption that has coordinated these regulatory developments, the two interventions scheduled in the Virtual Training Day, with which they have sought to expand knowledge in relation to two important updates regulations.

Likewise, according to a statement, Fernández also extended his gratitude to the Andalusian School of Public Health for “the reception and the technological support it provides us, with its extensive experience in holding this type of event.” On this occasion, the conference was carried out in a telematic format due to the current health context.

The general director of Consumption emphasized that, “whether or not there has been a consumer conflict, we have to take into account that we are all consumers”, hence the importance of the continuous updating of regulations to safeguard people’s rights consumers and users, and stressed that “the fact that what is related to this matter works normally is because there is a lot of work behind it to make it so.”

For her part, Blanca Fernández-Capel also influenced the work carried out by both organizations “at the service of the citizen, and these sessions represent a recognition of the rights and duties of all consumers.” Also, highlighting the value of training, he indicated that the Andalusian School of Public Health of Andalusia is working in coordination with the Ministry of Public Health and Families for the launch of a Master’s degree or postgraduate study in consumer matters with a view to to facilitate the professionalization of those who want to dedicate themselves to this matter “.

These interventions gave way to the presentations of the day, with the conference ‘Decree 625/2019, of December 27, which regulates the rights to information and the protection of the economic interests of users of private centers that give unofficial teachings. ‘

As the technical advisor of Consumption Jesús Loscertales explained, this decree of the Junta de Andalucía replaces the previous one (Decree 175/1993), which required an update and delivery of the teachings, since in 1993 it was just beginning to be used Internet, in addition to the fact that at that time many of the contractual rules that exist today for electronic and distance contracting did not exist. Among other aspects, he pointed out that, “in terms of promotion and publicity in this area, the general requirements of advertising must be met, and the unofficial nature of the teaching must be specified so as not to give rise to confusion.”

In addition, in terms of accreditation, he explained that the diploma “is not mandatory and requires some kind of attitude or achievement test, but the user does have the right to a certificate of attendance that proves that said person has received the training.” He also stressed that “the fact that a company is domiciled in another autonomous community, and not in Andalusia, is not an impediment for the consumer to initiate a sanction procedure in the event of an alleged incident”.


Jesús Loscertales also developed the second conference, entitled ‘Decree 175/2020, of October 27, which regulates the right to information of consumers and users, borrowers and guarantors in cases of issuance of mortgage participations or certificates of transmission of mortgage, as well as in those of transmission, assignment or other acts or legal businesses that may cause the alteration of the ownership of the mortgage loan contract on the home, or of the credit right derived from it ‘.

This is the regulation known as the mortgage loan securitization decree, which establishes a new regulation, in order for the consumer to be aware of both said assignment and of those points necessary for the protection of their rights, in particular in relation to the retraction of disputed credits, and the person or entity that holds legitimacy for an eventual mortgage foreclosure, since such execution is often urged because it cannot do so, to the detriment of the same.

“We must not confuse the transfer of ownership of a mortgage loan agreement with the transfer of credit rights,” stated the technical advisor of the Directorate General for Consumption, clarifying that, in the first case, the entire contract is transferred to another financial institution and obliges to report the procedure, while, in the second, only the right is granted to the bank to collect the mortgage.

The participants showed at all times a very high interest in the contents explained by Loscertales, as demonstrated by the numerous doubts and questions they posed to the speaker. Many of them could not be answered due to time constraints, although Consumo and EASP have announced that they will resolve all the attendees’ doubts via email.

However, both the General Directorate of Consumption and the Andalusian School of Public Health have reiterated their gratitude to the speaker for the clarity and usefulness of his interventions, as well as the great attendance and interest shown by the attendees and participants. . Fernández and Blanca Fernández-Capel have announced that both bodies will continue with this work of training professionals from associations and federations of consumer and user associations and people from companies in the sectors involved in consumption, always with the aim that all these Training results in a continuous optimization of the rights of users and consumers in Andalusia.


If you have any questions or queries regarding consumption, citizens can contact Consumo Responde, a free information and advice service for consumers and users, promoted by the Ministry of Health and Families of the Junta de Andalucía. It is a multichannel service, which can be accessed continuously through the telephone number 900 21 50 80, on the website www.consumoresponde.es, from the email [email protected]; and of the profiles on the social networks Twitter (@consumoresponde) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/consumoresponde ).

Advice can also be received at the Provincial Consumer Services of the territorial delegations of Health and Families present in all the provincial capitals, as well as in the Municipal Consumer Information Offices (OMIC), and in consumer and user organizations.

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