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Bo Van Spilbeeck, Zwangere Guy and Robinhoods cross swords in the Beursrally

The fifth edition of the Beursrally, the investor competition of De Tijd, starts on Monday.

‘Investment experience? The only investment experience I have is investing my sandwich in the morning,” says Zwangere Guy, the Brussels rapper and one of the panelists we closely follow in this edition of the Stock Exchange. “But I’ll do everything I can to win.” That’s the spirit.

Anyone who registers for the Stock Rally will receive 52,000 virtual euros to invest in shares or funds. As our panelist Guy shows, this competition is certainly not just for experienced investors. Rather, it is an opportunity for non-investors to safely experiment with investing in the stock market.

The Stock Rally is a transparent game: you can consult the portfolio of the tens of thousands of participants at any time. The same goes for our four panel members: Zwangere Guy, VTM journalist Bo Van Spilbeeck and two young investors or Robinhoods: Charlotte Van Brabander and Cédric Proost. Van Brabander is a poker player and has her own investment blog with Slim Savings. Proost studies Applied Economic Sciences (TEW) and is chairman of the student investment club Capitant Antwerpen.


Bo van Spilbeeck
©Wouter Van Vooren

Despite their age, the Robinhoods have quite a few years of investment experience under their belt. They are opposed to BVs with little or no experience. ‘I am not active on the fair myself, but I do follow the financial news’, says Van Spilbeeck upon arrival at Tour&Taxis, where we bring the panel members together. Pregnant Guy, who in extremis has to go to Paris for a concert, we speak digitally. Van Spilbeeck: ‘I invest in funds through my bank and receive guidance. The Stock Market Rally is a great opportunity to learn and why not start investing yourself. Maybe this way I can save on costs. My children have done economic studies and are interested in investing with friends. I will definitely ask them for tips. In our editorial office I may have to ask advice from our financial expert Paul D’Hoore or from colleague Faroek Özgünes.’ Özgunes took part in the first edition of the Stock Exchange.

I am not active on the stock exchange. The Stock Market Rally is a great opportunity to learn and why not start investing yourself.

‘I actually only save for pensions’, says Zwangere Guy. ‘My father always said: you shouldn’t live on the state because it won’t help you. That seems like a good mindset to me. But I don’t know the world of investing and distrust the banking system. When I was a construction worker, my couch barely looked at me. When I started earning more money, she did seek a lot of contact. I’m a little suspicious of that.’

©Brecht Van Maele

Van Brabander started investing in 2019. ‘I had just sold my apartment, so I suddenly had some money. Through the bank I entered a number of funds and dividend shares. During the corona dip, the bank advised me to sell part. I did that too. In hindsight, that wasn’t really good advice. Then I started investing myself, also to save costs. Certainly in the long term, these determine an important part of your return.’

‘I have read many books and followed courses. In the end, I decided to share all that information through my blog and through an investment course I teach. I want to raise awareness among non-investors with Slim Savings, because in times of inflation and zero interest you have to invest in order to build up capital. I want more financial education for everyone.’

Cédric Proost

  • Student TEW.
  • 21 years.
  • Active on the stock exchange for three years.
  • Startportefeuille: Alibaba, BlackRock, Sofina.

Cheers started investing after a letter from the bank. ‘My parents had saved money for me in a special account that I would receive when I was 18 years old. A few weeks before, I received a letter stating that I received 1.50 euros in interest. The bizarre thing was that the cost of the letter was 2.50 euros, so that my assets had actually become worth less. Then I started looking for alternatives to saving. I started investing in funds through the bank. I always found it very interesting to see what they invest in. Eventually I came into contact with Capitant.’

Cheers started building a portfolio last year after investing with virtual money through some apps. ‘Then came the corona crisis in March, which caused all shares to fall sharply. At another investment club, where I met with much more experienced people, they said, “This is a rare opportunity in a lifetime, now is the time to buy.” I have done that. It hasn’t done me any harm.’

©Wouter Van Vooren


The panel members have already devised a strategy. Pregnant Guy: ‘Three letters of the word strategy are in my name, so I always have a plan. I’ll start with what I know: I’m considering buying stock in my record label, Universal Music Group (UMG). I don’t take much risk. That’s gambling and as far as I’m concerned that equals losing. Even if it is virtual, you should never go wild with money.’

Even if it is virtual, you should never go wild with money.

‘In addition to UMG, I will be investing in real estate. I prefer to buy a company that specializes in Brussels real estate, because that is where I am closest. I just see here how prices have gone up in recent years. I also have an emotional bond with real estate. I bought an apartment not too long ago. I am the first in my family to own a home. I’m very proud of that.’

As we have noticed in recent weeks, the corona crisis is anything but over. That also means that the triumphant march of tech is not over yet.

Van Brabander prefers to seek refuge in technology stocks. ‘I am now also largely invested in that and I think that those shares will continue to rise. As we have noticed in recent weeks, the corona crisis is anything but over. That also means that the triumphant march of tech is not over yet. That sector benefits enormously from the digitization boost that follows from the restrictive measures.’

Cheers is also looking at e-commerce stocks. ‘This sector took full advantage of the corona crisis, because people shopped online much more. Such stocks will also do well in the coming weeks.’

I fear the pandemic is not over yet. That’s why I go for ecommerce stocks.

Van Spilbeeck also seems to be seduced by tech. ‘But I also want to look at other logical things. For example, I check whether there are any companies that, for example, make syringes with which the vaccines are administered. In addition, I pay close attention to price falls due to new waves of contamination. Those are good buying opportunities.’

Bo Van Spilbeeck

  • VTM-reporter.
  • 62 years.
  • Been investing in funds for over 30 years, no experience with individual stocks.
  • Probable start-up portfolio: ASML, Intel, Ferarri, LVMH, Walt Disney.

Unlike the risk-averse Pregnant Guy, the three non-rappers want to take more risk in the game. “It’s only ten weeks and you’re playing to win. Then you can’t invest like you would in the real world. You have to dare to take more risks’, it sounds in unison.

Sustainable or not?

Opinions are also divided about sustainable investing – a hot topic in the markets. While Van Spilbeeck, Van Brabander and Proost want to pay relatively little attention to it, Zwangere Guy finds it very important. “I want to win, but on my terms. One of them is sustainability. We must invest green. That’s where we’re going, but it’s also what we need. That makes sense to me. Look at the diesel prices that are skyrocketing. We need to switch to electric cars.’

That is why Pregnant Guy is charmed by the Tesla share. ‘Tesla is a company of the future. What the company is doing is the direction we need to go. In addition, Elon Musk is an autist. You should always bet on that.’

Charlotte Van Brabander

  • Poker player and blogger.
  • 31 years.
  • Two years active on the stock exchange.
  • Presumed starter wallet: something with tech.

Proost takes a critical look at sustainable investing. ‘I’m getting the idea more and more that sustainability, or ESG for short, is especially highly hyped. I also doubt those sustainability labels. How sustainable are companies that meet those conditions effective?’

‘Of course there are companies that I am radically against, such as the tobacco industry, but otherwise I don’t pay much attention to them,’ says Van Brabander. ‘Ultimately, I assume that all companies will have to meet the same standards in the future. So I’m more efficiency-oriented.’

In the real world, Van Spilbeeck would watch ESG, but not during the match. ‘I find it difficult to decide what to be in or not to be in. Do you already have to exclude a company because a certain division also makes materials for combat aircraft?’

Close to home or not?

Pregnant Guy

  • Real name: Gorik van Oudheusden.
  • Rapper.
  • 33 years.
  • Scholarship experience: crypto only.
  • Start-up portfolio: focus on sustainability and real estate.

The participants in the Stock Rally can opt for shares on the stock exchanges of Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris or Wall Street. ‘I will mainly focus on the US’, says Van Brabander. Proost agrees. ‘Certainly a stock like Alibaba has had a serious correction and may well recover.’

When it comes to the US, Van Spilbeeck is also present. ‘The growth is faster and bigger there. Although in real life I prefer to invest in Belgium or Europe. Also because you have to deal with exchange rate risks if you invest outside Europe.’

There, too, Zwangere Guy has a completely different opinion. “I’ve had enough of that focus on the US. People don’t even know the names of their own ministers yet, but they all know who the president of the US is. We have to think super close, including when it comes to investing. We must invest in local green and progressive projects. We have wonderful companies in Europe such as ASML that we can rely on.’

Beursrally 2020-2021

The fourth edition of the Beursrally runs until 22 January. The winner has a chance to win a securities account with 10,000 euros at the fund bank MeDirect. You can compete against friends, colleagues or family in sub-classes. You earn extra play money through a daily stock market quiz.

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