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BNPT Issues Characteristics of Radical Lecturers after Jokowi’s Innuendo

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) removes a number of features radical speakers as previously mentioned by President Joko Widodo in the TNI-Polri leadership meeting on Tuesday (1/3).

Previously, Jokowi asked the wives of TNI-Polri officers not to invite preachers who turned out to be radical.

“From the beginning we (BNPT) have emphasized that the issue of radicalism must be a concern from an early age because radicalism is actually an ideology that animates acts of terrorism,” said BNPT Prevention Director Ahmad Nurwakhid to reporters, Saturday (5/3).

He stated that radicalism is a process of stages leading to terrorism. This effort, he said, was carried out by manipulating and politicizing religion.

Nurwakhid said that Jokowi’s warning must be taken seriously by all Ministries, government institutions and the public.

Nurwakhid said that radical preachers can be detected through several indicators that are reflected in the content of the material presented. First, he said, the lecturer taught anti-Pancasila and was pro against the caliphate ideology or those who wanted to establish an Islamic state.

Then, the speaker usually teaches takfiri or disbelieves others who have different beliefs or religions. Then, they instill anti -leader attitudes or legitimate government.

“By hating and building people’s distrust of the government and the state through slanderous propaganda, fighting each other, hate speech, and the spread of hoaks, “he explained.

Fourth, the speakers have an exclusive attitude towards their environment. They are considered to be intolerant of differences. And lastly, said Nurwakhid, they usually have an anti-cultural view or religious local wisdom.

Nurwakhid asked the public not to characterize the speaker by only relying on his appearance.

“But the content of the lectures and their perspective in viewing religious issues are always clashed with national, cultural and diversity insights,” he explained.

Radical groups, he said, aim to destroy Indonesia through various strategies and doctrines that are instilled in the community.

Usually, they carry out a strategy by eliminating and misleading the history of the Indonesian nation. Then destroy local culture, to pit the nation’s children against the views of intolerance and SARA issues.

BNPT believes that this method is used to clash religion with nationalism and the noble culture of the nation.

“This is what must be our collective vigilance and from the beginning to stop the spread of radicalism infiltration, one of which is not to choose to invite radical preachers to public religious education spaces,” he said.

Previously, Jokowi asked the wives of TNI-Polri officers to maintain discipline by not inviting religious lecturers to certain events.

He requested that the summons of the speakers be coordinated in advance to minimize the spread of radical ideas.

“Once again, in the army, the police, it can’t be like that. It has to be coordinated by the unit. We have to do the macro and micro as well. Beware of inviting radical preachers, be careful,” said Jokowi, Tuesday (1/3).

The Police and the TNI also agreed on this directive. They will direct the regional ranks to be able to maintain discipline regarding the summons of lecturers made by the family.

(mjo / ain)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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