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BNN Weekly Summary: Flights are falling. Cultural benefits. Crematorium business BNN

This week, there was a surge in Latvia around the increase in the number of COVID-19 patients and whether potentially explosive mineral fertilizers are stored in safe conditions in the port of Riga. Yuri Perevoshchikov reassures that the number of infected does not exceed 1% of the Latvian population, while the Port of Riga reassures that everything is being monitored and inspected. So to speak, Old Riga will not be in the air.

It is no secret that COVID-19 has also caused damage to cultural life, so those responsible at the national level are looking for a solution to finance the Liepāja Theater so that it is not liquidated. The latest version – the money could come from both the State Cultural Capital Fund and Liepāja Municipality.

Meanwhile, the Competition Council is alarmed that the cremation business is not being given a place under the sun by competitors – it is only Riga Cremation Center. The Supreme Court has also ruled that the Riga City Council has acted illegally by renting premises only to this company.

BNN provides a summary of this week ‘s current events, explained in topics such as Flights, Cultural benefits, Money for export, Fight for a place under the sun, Prosecution a Done.

Responsible for air traffic organization in Latvia Latvian Air Traffic has operated 82,831 flights in seven months of this year, which is 52.7% less than in the corresponding period last year, according to the information published by the company.

Among them, in the seven months of 2020, 21,948 flights were to and from Riga, which is 56% less than a year earlier, but 60,883 flights were in transit, which is a decrease of 51.4% compared to the previous year.

Learn more here.

Liepāja Theater, Covid-19, crisis, public funding, Liepāja City Council, Nauris Puntulis, Jānis Vilnītis, Herberts Laukšteins, Ministry of Culture,

In order to support the Liepāja Theater, which was in difficulty due to the COVID-19 crisis, funding could be obtained from both the Liepāja Municipality and the State Cultural Capital Fund (VKKF).

Such a solution was found in the talks held on Wednesday, August 5, in which the Minister of Culture Nauris Puntulis (VL – TB / LNNK), the Mayor of Liepāja Jānis Vilnītis (LRA), the State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture Dace Vilsone, as well as the Director of Liepāja Theater Herberts Laukšteins participated.

After the talks at the press conference, Puntulis pointed out that the Liepāja Theater has become a “hostage”. He noted that everyone involved has one goal – “to keep the great theater going”.

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Ministry of Economics, LIAA, European Commission, Covid-19, economic crisis, exporting companies, European support, application for funding,

After coordination with the European Commission, the support program COVID-19 for overcoming the consequences of the crisis and promoting employment for exporters of goods and services affected by the crisis will enter into force on 5 August. Entrepreneurs can apply to the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) for support, the Ministry of Economics points out.

The support program provides EUR 51 million to support exporting companies. It is planned that the program could provide support to about 350 exporting companies.

Learn more here.

Riga crematorium, crematoria, funeral services, Competition Council, Supreme Court,

Already in 2015, after the performed market supervision, the Competition Council (CP) raised the alarm about the disorganized funeral services sector, incl. for having a cremation service provider in a monopoly position for almost 20 years. The fight against the monopoly in the Riga cremation market has just ended with the judgment of the Supreme Court, in which it is recognized that the Riga City Council Riga Cremation Center – crematorium – has leased illegally, reports the Competition Council (CP).

During the market surveillance, the authority established that the Riga City Council had leased its crematorium to SIA Riga Cremation Center – crematorium with provisions that do not promote free competition in the sector. Namely, a company wishing to provide cremation services needed a license issued by the municipality. In order to receive a license, a confirmation was required that the company leased the Riga Crematorium.

Learn more here.

KNAB, council, Preiļi municipality, accusation, forgery of documents,

The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has encouraged the Latgale Court District Prosecutor’s Office to initiate criminal proceedings against five officials of Preiļi County Council, including the Chairman of the Council Maruta Plivda for forgery of documents in a group of persons by prior agreement.

KNAB writes in a press release that for one of the above-mentioned officials, the Bureau also accuses of indicating false information in the declaration of a state official, as well as purchasing and storing firearms ammunition without the relevant weapons storage permit.

Learn more here.

VNI, Occupation Museum, reconstruction, renovation works,

YOU State real estate (VNĪ) under the leadership of works continues at Strēlnieku Square 1, Riga. Simultaneously with the renovated Occupation Museum and so on The house of the future A memorial to the victims of the Soviet Occupation will be built, as well as the territory of Riflemen’s Square will be completely arranged and improved, informs Renārs Griškevičs, Chairman of the Board of VNĪ.

At present, the construction of building structures is nearing completion in the reconstruction of the Occupation Museum, the construction of engineering communications is continuing and work on the interior decoration of the premises has begun. The insulation of the historic Occupation Museum building has been completed by 90%, carefully removing the existing dark copper tin sheets and reassembling them after the completion of the facade insulation works.

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