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BNN – NEWS WITH VALUE »Kairiss’s feature film City by the River nominated for the Kristaps the Great

This year’s awards Kristaps the Great Viesturs Kairiss’s feature film has been nominated for 15 nominations City by the river, shows the website lielaiskristaps.lv published information.

City by the river put into category The best feature film and film director and screenwriter Kairišs was nominated in the category The best case scenario a The best feature film directing. Film operator Gints Bērziņš was nominated in the category The best cinematography in a feature film, artist Ieva Jurjāne is nominated in the category The best work of the artist, while costume designers Rūta Kuplā and Agne Rimkute were nominated in the category The best costume designer work, film makeup artist Beata Ryabovska put in the category The best work of a makeup artist.

Also in the category The best music Juste Janulīte and Juris Vaivods, the authors of the film’s musical design, were nominated, while Ludvīks Bohadlo was nominated in the category The best sound direction, editing director Armands Začs is nominated in the category The best assembly mode.

City by the river Representatives of the creative team have also been nominated in other categories, namely, the film’s actress Agnese Cīrule has been nominated in the category The best acting in the lead role, film actor Dāvis Suhareckis nominated in the category The best acting in the lead role. To victory in the category The best acting in the role of a background Gundars Āboliņš, Juozas Budraitis and Brigita Cmuntova will apply.

Feature film Blizzard of souls won 11 nominations. It is put into a category The best feature film, film director and screenwriter Dzintars Dreibergs together with Boris Frumin nominated in the category The best case scenario, Dreiberg was also nominated in the category The best feature film directing.

Operator Valdis Celmiņš will fight for victory in the category The best cinematography in a feature film, film artist Juris Zhukovskis nominated in the category The best work of the artist, costume designer Sandra Sila nominated in the category The best costume designer work, makeup artist Dzintra Bijubena will compete for the victory in the category The best work of a makeup artist.

In the category The best music nominated film soundtrack composer Lolita Ritmanis, category The best sound direction the name of sound director Aleksandrs Vaicahovskis, film editing engineer Gatis Belogrudovs will compete for the victory in the category The best assembly mode, while the film ‘s actor Oto Brantevics claims to win laurels in the category The best acting in the lead role.

Feature film by director Yevgeny Pashkevich What does Pacific Gerda know received nine nominations. It claims victory in the category The best feature film, Pashkevich was nominated in the category The best feature film directing. Film cameraman Andrejs Rudzāts has been nominated in the category The best cinematography in a feature film, film artist Jurģis Krāsons will compete for victory in the category The best work of the artist.

Movies What does Pacific Gerda know costume designer Kate claims to win the category The best costume designer work, while the film ‘s make – up artist Ilze Trumpe was nominated in the category The best work of a makeup artist. Sound director Anrijs Krenbergs was nominated in the category The best sound direction, but the film ‘s actors Gatis Gaga and Inese Pudža will compete for victory in the category The best acting in the role of a background.

The film by producer Dzintra Geka will compete for the best full-length documentary Every day of the century. Seasons, producer Gunta Trektera filma Presence and producer Ivars Zviedra – Wearer.

The Swedish film, on the other hand, claims the honor of the best short documentary Afigenna, film by producer Pauls Dombrovskis My dear Don, producer Zane Sietniece and Latvian Television film Hike’44, as well as a film by producer Laila Pakalniņa The first bridge.

The title of the best animated film is claimed by the producer Līga Gaisa’s film Swan maiden, a film by producers Trond Jakobsen and Gunt Trekter My favorite war, as well as a film by producer Uldis Cekuls All my friends are dead.

In the category The best debut film nominated for director Alexander Okonov’s song chamber mystery I, going to war…, film by director Reinis Kalvins Change, film by director Andris Doršas To be beautiful.

For the award category The best student film will compete director Alice Zariņa film Two stripes, directed by Kates Rasas Ozolas Deviation, directed by Rūta Znotina Dream spring, directed by George Harry Avas Suspension Prima and director Kristaps Opincāns – Shambhala.

Dita Rietuma, the head of the National Film Center, said at the announcement event: “The film industry, like many other industries, has had and still has a difficult year. However, it has been and still is an intense time – from the middle of the summer, active work in the filming areas resumed. Several feature films have already been shot (Kneel, Darling, Samuel’s journey), launched several films (Breast milk, Jumprava – the big event) filming.

She also pointed out that despite the pandemic, several large-scale foreign film projects are being implemented, in which Latvian professionals participate. “In such a difficult year, the evaluation of the industry’s achievements, namely films, is as important as in other years and even more so. For each prize – also To the great Kristaps – has the potential to promote films, which is particularly important in a year when cinemas have been out of operation for almost six months. “

“This is a time when the Latvian film industry needs the support of viewers – watch Latvian films and especially films nominated for the Great Kristaps!”

A part of The Great Kristaps film programs – documentaries – will be available on the portal www.filmas.lv free of charge and throughout Latvia.

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