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BNL BNP Paribas Agreement: 85% Replacement Rate, Increased Meal Voucher, and Pension Fund Contribution


by Cristina Casadei

The replacement rate will be 85%. Increased the amount of the meal voucher to 8 euros and the contribution to the pension fund

3′ reading

At Bnl Bnp Paribas, an agreement was reached with the unions (Fabi, First, Fisac, Uilca and Unisin) on generational turnover and the improvement of welfare. The agreement represents an important result because it relaunches industrial relations after the phase of tension following outsourcing, but also because it tests the rules of the new national collective labor agreement for bankers signed last November.

The agreement provides for 908 voluntary exits and incentives through early retirement and 776 hirings, as emerges from the union notes. According to what the workers’ representatives calculate, the replacement rate is among the highest in the sector: it goes well beyond one new entry for every two exits because approximately 85% of the bankers who leave will be replaced. Elena Goitini, CEO of Bnl and head of the Bnp Paribas group in Italy explains that she is «particularly satisfied with this social impact plan, because it focuses on the employment of young people open to changes, evolutions and new skills, giving them the opportunity to enter in the world of work and in one of the largest banks in the country. At the same time, she responds to the desire of those who, after years of career, want to live “the third half” of their life. We defined this agreement by finding a sustainable balance point, with a medium-long term vision and attention to the new generations.”

Attention to the commercial network

To compensate for workloads, the parties have established that all those who have a direct relationship with customers in the branches will be replaced through hiring or internal mobility: on the commercial network, therefore, those leaving will be replaced on a one-to-one basis.

The new hires will be made through the Employment Fund, while for exits it has been agreed to manage up to 474 through the use of the sector Solidarity Fund. The remainder will be managed through direct retirement. Incentives are also provided for those who have already accrued or will accrue, by 1 July 2025, the right to an early pension or to “quota 100”, “quota 102”, quota “103” and “women’s option”.

The bank has also committed to stabilizing 93 workers who have fixed-term contracts and hiring the same number of fixed-term workers. Furthermore, it guaranteed in any case 150 stable hires.

The improvement of welfare

The agreement also established an improvement in welfare through the recognition of the meal voucher for smart working staff which will be 4 euros and the increase in the meal voucher for in-person workers to 8 euros. The increase will be adjusted for part-time staff. Furthermore, the bank will increase its contribution to the Pension Fund from 4.2% to 4.5%.

The satisfaction of the unions

The Fabi coordinator of the Bnl Bnp Paribas group, Fabio Armeni explains that «the agreement recognizes new economic resources for all workers, attention to young people through investment in complementary pensions and takes into account the difficulties of people in contact with customers”.

«After the highly contested and controversial transfers of Bnl personnel in 2022, which involved over 830 workers, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel – comments Valerio Fornasari, group secretary responsible for the First Cisl -. Finally, after years of heated confrontation, we are returning to a positive climate of trade union relations. We hope for the start of a new phase of fruitful dialogue and profitable collective bargaining, also in view of the next industrial plan of the BNP Paribas Group 2026.” The secretary responsible for Fisac ​​Cgil Bnl, Martina Braga, hopes that the agreement will be «an important starting point for the resumption of quality relations with the company, after several years of autonomous management on the issue of early retirement».

For the secretary responsible for Uilca Gruppo Bnl Andrea D’Orazio «the agreement can be an important reference for the entire sector thanks to the percentage of replacement achieved, the application of the generational relay – recently introduced by the renewal of the National Contract – and the attention aimed at workers in service who have long been waiting for answers to the commitment made in recent years”.

The question of ad personams of management

The issue of the reabsorption of ad personams for management in the increase in the national collective agreement signed last November is not included in the agreements signed. In this regard, Tommaso Vigliotti, national secretary of Unisin and responsible for the Bnl/BNP Paribas group, while expressing general appreciation for the agreements as a whole, speaks of «disappointment regarding the issue of the absorbability of ad personams for management: the company has announced that it will intervene on the issue independently but in a very partial way compared to the expectations of its colleagues”.

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2024-04-09 22:30:00
#Bnl #agreement #generational #turnover #bankers #leaving #hires

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