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BMW Leads the Premium Market in 2023 Global Sales With Record Numbers

​INCREASE THE GAP – The premium segment of the market is almost always synonymous with the big German 3: Audi, BMW and Mercedes, in strict alphabetical order. Last year ended with the BMW which has seen its advantage increase over its competitors, confirming itself in first place among premium brands. The Monaco house reached its all-time high in global sales during 2023, managing to deliver 2,253,835 unitswith an increase of 7.3% compared to last year (Who the news). On the other hand, the Mercedes substantially confirmed the previous year’s figures with 2.043.800 auto delivered. Partly slowing down sales were the shortage of components for 48-volt mild hybrid systems and the transition to new models. However, sales of electric cars with the star increased by 73%, reaching 222,600 units in 2023.

AMERICAN WIND – The third step of the podium remainsAudiso the greater ease in the procurement of components has allowed us to increase sales by 17%, thus reaching 1.895.240 auto sold. An even more significant increase (+51%) for the brand’s electric vehicles, delivered in over 178,000 units. Audi’s growth in 2023 has allowed it to counteract the rise of Teslawhich he sold 1.808.581 auto in 2023, improving its performance by 38% compared to 2022. The vast majority of the American company’s sales (96%) were concentrated on just two models, the Model 3 and the Model Y, leaving crumbs to the larger and more expensive ones Model S and Model

THE OTHERS – The other brands on the premium market are far from the big ones. There LexusToyota’s luxury branch, has not yet released official sales data for the entire year, but up until November it had delivered 741.112 autoup 28% compared to the same period in 2022. For the Volvo the year just ended marked the record for sales, with 708,116 cars delivered and a 15% increase.

2024-01-16 20:48:26
#Premium #brands #heres #sold #cars

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