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BMW has uncovered a completely recycled electric car

Range, maximum speed and other parameters of the BMW and Vision Circular electric cars are not yet known. It is only a concept and a demonstration that the German carmaker takes commitments to emission-free goals seriously.

The car unveiled at the Munich Motor Show is fully recycled and could become a model for compact electric cars running from production lines. in the 1940s.

The car body is unpainted thanks to anodized aluminum and heat-treated steel. The tires are made of natural rubber and the spacious interior for four people is decorated with seats upholstered in recycled plastic. The dashboard and steering wheel are then made of wood from fallen trees and made on a 3D printer. It also created transparent elements with light effects showing how the car is said to be thinking.

The batteries of the BMW and Vision Circular concepts are also said to be recycled materials, and even the carmaker’s logo is engraved on the car. It is supposed to be possible to use all components for various purposes at the end of the life of a completely recycled electric car.

“I know you’re waiting for the first demonstrations of our ‘Neue Klasse’. We are definitely not there yet. But with this approach, we get there. Digitization, electrification and reusability are the three cornerstones of the ‘Neue Klasse’, and reusability is what BMW and Vision Circular are all about, ”explained Oliver Zipse, the carmaker’s head of presentation, at the car show, referring to the brand’s new era.

Ecological goals of car manufacturers from Germany

The Munich car manufacturer is about to increase the share of recycled and reusable materials in its cars now, from 30 to 50 percent. This step is to help him achieve the newly set goal – to reduce the carbon emissions generated by his fleet by at least 40 percent by 2030 compared to the level in 2019. The fact that at least half of BMW cars sold by that time should be electric cars should also contribute to this. .

“Future generations will depend on the decisions we make today. That is why we are also clearly committed to the 1.5 degree target set by the Paris Agreement and the introduction of reusability as an integral part of our strategy and our products. For us, there is no premium quality without sustainability, “added Zipse.

Environmentalists are calling for an end to the production of internal combustion cars

Despite the newly set stricter targets – a 40 percent reduction in emissions, preceded by a one-third reduction target – BMW is reluctant to set a timetable for limiting car production to fossil fuels. He cites as a reason, among other things, that the infrastructure of charging stations in Europe, but also in other regions, is still not sufficiently developed.

Environmentalists from Greenpeace and the German German organization Deutsche Umwelthilfe are demanding that the Munich carmaker, as well as Volkswagen and Mercedes, stop the production of internal combustion cars by 2030. Together with the oil and gas company Wintershall, they are also preparing to sue them for their contribution to climate change.

“If the world hesitates for another ten years, it will no longer be possible to achieve the goal of limiting the planet’s warming by a maximum of 1.5 or probably two degrees.” said the lawyer Roda Verheyen added that these companies have a high degree of co-responsibility for climate change. According to her, only the German car industry has a “gigantic global footprint”.

Daimler, the owner of Mercedes-Benz, considers the demands unjustified and is said to use “all legal remedies in its defense”.

It wants to achieve climate neutrality of its cars by 2039. BMW is still analyzing the lawsuits. According to unofficial information from the DPA from Friday only a few weeks.

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