Home » today » Health » Blurred vision, bone pains and infections could be the foreshadowing of a deficiency in the body that could be supplemented with this vegetable

Blurred vision, bone pains and infections could be the foreshadowing of a deficiency in the body that could be supplemented with this vegetable

The secret to a healthy and varied diet is to bring seasonal products to the table in order to guarantee their freshness and authenticity. Thanks to Mother Nature’s generosity we can always find foods containing all the vitamins and minerals the body needs. Think for example of vitamin D which in winter, when the sun is scarce, can be taken through consumption of mushrooms.

Sometimes, however, taken from daily runs, from stress we do not devote the right attention to nutrition, preferring quick snacks and / or industrial products. These bad habits could, however, over time lead us to have vitamin deficiencies which, if not integrated, could cause many problems. Eg according to a previously reported study a deficiency of vitamins B1 and B12 could lead to neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s. Similarly, a lack of vitamin A could lead to serious disturbances to the body. It is a nutrient for vision, tissue growth, cell division, reproduction and immunity, as well as having important antioxidant properties.

Blurred vision, bone pains and infections could be the foreshadowing of a deficiency in the body that could be supplemented with this vegetable

Vitamin A is essential for sight because it is part of the components of rhodopsin, a substance present on the retina that gives sensitivity to the eyes. It is also useful for the development of bones and for their strengthening and is able to provide an immune response to the body.

Symptoms of a deficiency could include blurred vision, bone pain and infections. Therefore it is necessary, in case of deficiency, to integrate it first of all with food. Think that with 100 grams of carrots the daily requirement of vitamin A is fully satisfied.

Given the modest sugar content, this vegetable could be consumed as a snack or appetizer by those who follow a low-calorie diet. In fact, thanks to its fiber content it helps to give a sense of satiety without making us hungry for lunch or dinner. However, as Vitamin A is sensitive to heat, many of its characteristics could be lost during cooking. Therefore, to make it absorbable by the body it would be preferable to consume raw carrots seasoned with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.


Against bone pain and weakness, here’s how to fill your vitamin D deficiency with this much-loved food

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)—

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