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Blue Whatsapp and you will experience your blue miracle

Little has changed in the design of WhatsApp in recent years. The desire for a change of scenery can cloud the senses. Cyber ​​criminals are also aware of this and shamelessly exploit the widespread need for change to smear malware on the WhatsApp community.

In the internet forum Reddit These days, users are reporting dubious news that seems to land on more and more smartphones. In it, strangers advertise the download of a WhatsApp update that makes the messenger shine in a bright blue.-

But whoever downloads the “blue Whatsapp” experiences “his blue miracle”, because shortly after downloading all Whatsapp messages are encrypted. In order to “get them free”, the cyber criminals demand a ransom.

Occasionally one hears of amounts between 300 euros and 10,000 euros, so if you want to protect yourself from cyber criminals, you shouldn’t download this harmful software.

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