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Blue Origin will investigate the non-Axis space company for safety concerns

Employee objections have appeared on Lioness’s site, which focuses on leaked information.

Prior to their publication, Alexandra Abrams, former head of Blue Origin Communications, sent a letter of the same text alerting the FAA to Bezos’s practices.

“Signatories saw his (Bezos) pattern of behavior in the decision-making process, which favored speed and cost savings over adequate quality assurance,” Abrams wrote.

“According to one of the engineers who co-signed the text, Blue Origin could have been happy that nothing had happened,” the letter said.

The text further points out that more than 1000 documented problems with Blue Origin rocket engines, which were pointed out in 2018, have never been addressed.

“Many employers said they would never fly a Blue Origin spaceship,” the text said.

Blue Origin: Abrams violated regulations

According to him, the teams had to work across tolerable borders. In 2019, the new subsystem was supervised by only a few engineers, who also had long overtime. Requests for an increase in staff were rejected.

At the same time, Blue Origin states that it itself offers employees a number of ways to get in touch, including an anonymous non-stop hotline where they can point out incorrect company practices.

“We will resolve any new allegations of misconduct immediately. We stand behind our security protocols and believe that the New Shepard is the safest spacecraft ever designed or built, ”said Blue Origin in a statement.

In addition, a spokesman for Blue Origin said Abrams had been released two years ago after repeated warnings of violations of federal regulations. But Abrams responded to CBS by never receiving any such warning.

The FAA, which includes missile launches in the United States, said it was taking any allegations of security breaches seriously, and the office is investigating the information.

Sexism and harassment

According to the text, the company also does not solve environmental problems and has built a new headquarters building on drained wetlands, although Bezos regularly states how much money it has donated to climate groups.

According to the authors of the signatories, not only safety regulations were violated in the company, but also sexism; only men were in higher positions.

In addition, a number of managers and senior staff were not treated adequately to women. One former astronaut reportedly told employees: “You should ask for my opinion because I am a man.”

One senior company official has been repeatedly reported to the personal department for sexual harassment.

Nevertheless, no action was taken and the man was then appointed to the board that oversaw the work of the personnel department. In addition, another executive was so well known for his sexist behavior towards new employees that they were warned not to avoid him.

Bezos’ rival Richard Branson, behind Virgin Galactic, also faced allegations of security breaches. However, the suspicion was refuted.

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