Home » today » World » Blue night walks on the one hand and debate on the other – 2024-09-28 18:08:21

Blue night walks on the one hand and debate on the other – 2024-09-28 18:08:21

“When ministers listen to their MPs, solutions are found”. This was commented by a blue member of parliament when the meeting of Labor Minister Nikis Kerameos with New Democracy MPs was completed. It was the first meeting of MPs with ministers, after the initiative of the 11 blue MPs. In the coming week, a new tightening of relations between MPs and ministers is expected, with Adonis Georgiadis, Sofia Zacharakis and Takis Theodorikakos taking the baton.

Sources of the ND parliamentary group are trying to disconnect these initiatives with the question of the 11 blue rebels who raised dust with the question they asked the finance minister. “It was arranged since the summer”, noted a competent official, wanting to downplay the fact. But, beyond the institutional meetings in the Parliament, night walks also occurred.

The beginning was made by the ministers who come from the matrix of PaSoK, Giorgos Floridis and Kyriakos Pierrakakis, with a difference of a few days. Both ministers, of Justice and Education, respectively, met the MPs who are members of the competent committees of the Parliament. In fact, the Minister of Education chose to invite the MPs immediately after the Karamanlis Foundation event, to a well-known political hangout famous for its meats. Experienced parliamentarians note that the timing of the tightening of relations is no coincidence.

The question of the 11 as well as the complaints of the MPs that the ministers do not listen to them, with some even saying that they see them from above electrified the atmosphere. Even more so the fact that MPs are expected to make new interventions while there are whispers in the corridors that others will join the list of rebels.

At the same time, the Minister of Health’s petition to change the electoral law was denied by the government representative. As Pavlos Marinakis said, “there is no discussion about changing the electoral law, I make that clear. Also, Mr. Georgiadis expressed his firm, timeless position and did not make any announcement or proposal.”

Political analysts, however, believe that the position of Mr. Georgiadis was not accidental. The new poll findings show that the government is under pressure and the possibility of self-reliance is being removed. In this case, partnerships will be needed. Thus, there are two interpretations according to experts. Either Mr. Georgiadis recognized the pressure his party is under or he wanted to measure reactions both for possible collaborations and for the intention of changing the law.

However, the other parties are busy with their own. The “green” debate left a good impression. Several topics were discussed, of course there was no shortage of sharp points, while the direct dialogue, which took place for the first time, whetted the appetite for further telefights. It was hotly debated in the wells of the Parliament, while the MPs of the official opposition were probably jealous.

Opening the “dance” first, the Member of Parliament for Thessaloniki, Christos Giannoulis said in his television appearance: “There must be a debate with the SYRIZA candidates in an even freer way, because it is the last chance for seriousness, an emphasis on the political discourse , and the lack of bigotry and hatred.”

It is of particular interest that Sokratis Famellos, who officially claims the leadership of the party, was positive. “Opinions must be heard and not closed in the offices, the discussion must take place outside. It could be done even better than the PaSoK model. It could be a conversation about everyday life and survival and a conversation about the future. There should be multiple discussions”, he said characteristically.

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