Home » today » News » Blue light report for Neuried/Altenheim/Nonnenweier/Rheinau/Iffezheim/Gaggenau/Bad Rotenfels/Kehl/Freiburg/Breisach, June 4th, 2022: German and French security authorities are searching across borders

Blue light report for Neuried/Altenheim/Nonnenweier/Rheinau/Iffezheim/Gaggenau/Bad Rotenfels/Kehl/Freiburg/Breisach, June 4th, 2022: German and French security authorities are searching across borders

Violation of the Narcotics Act in Neuried/Altenheim/Nonnenweier/Rheinau/Iffezheim/Gaggenau/Bad Rotenfels/Kehl/Freiburg/Breisach currently: What happened today? The Federal Police Inspectorate in Offenburg provides information about today’s police reports. News.de keeps you up to date on accident, fire and crime reports in your region.

German and French security authorities are searching across borders

Neuried/Retirement home/Nonnenweier/Rheinau/Iffezheim/Gaggenau/Bad Rotenfels/Kehl/Freiburg/Breisach (ots) –

With the aim of combating illegal migration and cross-border drug, weapon and property crime, the federal police in Offenburg and Weil am Rhein yesterday carried out a joint search operation with the French gendarmerie in the German-French border area, which lasted several hours. Two helicopters from the Federal Police Squadron from Oberschleißheim were used to move the mobile control units quickly and dynamically between the checkpoints in the districts as part of this special type of manhunt Ortenaukreis and Rastatt and in the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald. Cross-border checkpoints on the French side in the Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin departments were also flown to. As a result, the emergency services were able to make a large number of findings against the Narcotics and Weapons Act. In one case, customs are now investigating suspected money laundering. On the French side, a driver must expect to be reported because he was under the influence of intoxicants behind the wheel. In addition to forces from the mobile control and surveillance unit of the federal police in Karlsruhe and officers from the federal police inspectors in Offenburg and Weil am Rhein and the federal police department in Bad Bergzabern, officers from the police headquarters in Freiburg and Offenburg, the main customs office in Lörrach and officers from the French gendarmerie also took part in the search operation. The Franco-German unit of the Gendarmerie and the Federal Police was also deployed.

This report was sent on June 4th, 2022, 6:11 a.m. by the Federal Police Inspectorate in Offenburg.

Criminal statistics on drug offenses in the Ortenau district

According to police crime statistics (PKS) from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in the district of Ortenau, 2020 all in all 2015 drug offenses detected. In 0.2% of the cases it was an attempted crime. the clearance rate was included 95,2%. Among the total of 1749 suspects were 1562 men and 187 women. 36.4% of the persons are suspects of non-German origin.

Alter number of suspects
under 21 576
21 bis 25 412
25 bis 30 308
30 bis 40 312
40 bis 50 101
50 bis 60 28
over 60 12

In 2019, the police crime statistics in the Ortenau district recorded a total of 3,204 drug offenses, the clear-up rate was 97.1%.

Criminal statistics on crimes in the category robberies in apartments in the Ortenau district

2020 were determined by the police crime statistics (PKS) of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in the Ortenau district 6 offenses in the category robbery in apartments listed. the clearance rate was attached here 50%. In 33.3% of the cases it was an attempted crime. among the 5 suspects in all were 5 men and 0 women. 60% of the people are suspects of non-German origin.

Alter number of suspects
under 21 1
21 bis 25 0
25 bis 30 2
30 bis 40 2
40 bis 50 0
50 bis 60 0
over 60 0

For the year 2019 are the police crime statistics of the BKA 4 recorded cases of robbery known in the district of Ortenau clearance rate was attached here 50%.

Criminal statistics on unauthorized entry and unauthorized stay in the Ortenaukreis

The police crime statistics (PKS) of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) recorded a total of 2020 in the Ortenau district 2740 offenses in the category illegal entry and residence. In 20% of the cases, it was only attempted crimes. the clearance rate fraud 100%. Among the total 2641 suspects were 396 women and 2245 men.

Alter number of suspects
under 21 543
21 bis 25 473
25 bis 30 563
30 bis 40 697
40 bis 50 238
50 bis 60 96
over 60 31

For the year 2019, the police crime statistics of the BKA announced 2061 cases of unauthorized entry and unauthorized stay in the Ortenaukreis, the clear-up rate here was 99.9%.

+++ Editorial note: This text was created on the basis of current data from blue light report of the press portal and criminal statistics of the BKA. Original content from: “Notification provider”, transmitted by news aktuell: To the press portal report. In order to inform you as quickly as possible, these texts are automatically generated and randomly checked. If you have any comments or questions, please contact zettel@news.de. +++

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