Home » today » News » Blue light report for Freiburg, December 12, 2022: Freiburg city center: Young pickpocket is caught and detained while committing the crime – arrest

Blue light report for Freiburg, December 12, 2022: Freiburg city center: Young pickpocket is caught and detained while committing the crime – arrest

Burglary in Freiburg now: what happened today? Read the daily reports from the local police in your region here at news.de – today with an up-to-date blue light report broadcast by police headquarters in Freiburg.

Freiburg city center: Young pickpocket is caught and detained during the execution of the crime – arrest

Freiburg (ots) –

Yesterday, Sunday, around 2.15 pm, a young pickpocket was arrested by the courageous intervention of passers-by and arrested after the police arrived.

The 16-year-old Algerian national was initially observed on Wentzingerstrasse tampering with the bags of two women. He stole a smartphone from one of the women, but was caught doing so and gave the smartphone back to the woman. A witness had observed the process and followed the young man after he had moved on to choose the next victims.

When he was tampering with the next victim’s backpack in the station underpass, he was disturbed by the witness and set off again. Not being able to keep his hands off other people’s things, the fourth injured man called him theft noticed and finally detained by him and the witness.

After the police measures were taken, the young man was handed over to the Youth Welfare Office.

At this point, the police point out that pickpockets are booming at the time of the Christmas markets: https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/110970/5385109


Media inquiries please contact:

Freiburg Police HeadquartersPress OfficeThomas SpislaTelephone: 0761 / 882 [email protected]

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PolizeiFRFacebook: https://facebook.com/PolizeiFreiburgHomepage: http://www.polizei-bw.de/

Original content from: Freiburg Police Headquarters, broadcast by news aktuell
This report was sent on December 12, 2022, at 12:10 by the Freiburg police headquarters.

Criminal statistics on home burglaries in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district

According to the police crime statistics (PKS) of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), in the district Breisgau-Higher Black Forest in the year 2020 after all 109 offences recorded in relation to home burglaries, while 47.7% of cases were attempted crimes. the settlement rate was entered in 2020 19.3%. Among the 27 suspects were 4 women and 23 men. 70.4% of people are suspected of non-German origin.

Alter number of suspects
under 21 4
21 bis 25 1
25-30 7
30 to 40 8
40 to 50 6
50 to 60 0
over 60 1

For the year 2019, the police crime statistics of the BKA announced 268 registered cases of burglary in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district, the clarification rate here was 17.5%.

+++ Editorial note: This text was created on the basis of current data from blue light ratio of the press portal and crime statistics of the BKA. Original content from: “Notification provider”, transmitted by news aktuell: To the report of the press portal. To inform you as quickly as possible, these texts are automatically generated and randomly checked. If you have any comments or questions, please contact zettel@news.de. +++

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