With a film adaptation, the manga Blue Giant continues its serialization. Its next stop is none other than the American megalopolis.
The musical adventures of Dai Miyamoto, young hero aspiring saxophonist of Blue Giant, experienced a form of consecration with their adaptation on the big screen. Released in Japanese theaters on February 17, the film faced formidable competitors. Rising to eighth position in the box office on the archipelago for its first day, it had to compete with Demon Slayer, The First Slam Dunk or Suzume, three tenors of the genre who broke many records. If the commercial success was only modest, with 5.6 million dollars garnered, it was probably enough to introduce his musical universe to a new audience.
Saxophone anglophone
Because regular readers of Blue Giant, who have been following Shinichi Ishizuka’s manga since its debut in 2013, did not wait for the animated version to focus on these wanderings around the globe of this young jazz-loving musician. After having left his province to discover the theaters of Tokyo, Dai then ventured to Europe in Blue Giant Supremethen in the United States with Blue Giant Explorer, starting on the west coast. The musician’s research in terms of sources of inspiration could not miss such a must-see city for all jazz lovers; New York will thus be his next destination.
The American (Blue) Dream
As the site explains AnimeNewsNetwork, the 10th issue of Big Comic magazine has revealed that this long-awaited visit will begin in its pages on July 25th. An unmissable event for long-time fans and newcomers thanks to the film, but also for music lovers who no doubt know the countless jazz clubs of Greenwitch, Brooklyn, Harlem or Times Square. Among the essentials, we bet that the famous Blue Note should appear in the list of high places visited by the young Dai.
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2023-05-11 08:32:11
#Blue #Giant #manga #arc #York