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Bloomberg warns of potential for new pandemic within 10 years

American news agency Bloomberg reportedthat in the next decade the world may be struck by a new pandemic, as dangerous as the Covid-19 pandemic.

“There is a 27.5% chance that a pandemic as deadly as Covid-19 could begin in the next decade as viruses emerge more frequently,” – indicated in the forecast.

It is noted that this is due to climate change, an increase in the number of international travel, population and the threat of zoonotic diseases.

Health experts are now preparing for a new potential global threat. So, over the past two decades, three main types of coronavirus have already appeared, causing SARS, Middle East respiratory syndrome and Covid-19.

The rapid spread of H5N1 avian influenza also raises concerns. Although it has so far been identified in only a few people, the rapid increase in the incidence in birds and the increasing frequency of infections in mammals are worrying scientists – the virus can mutate. In addition, diseases such as Middle East respiratory syndrome and Zika virus fever have no cure.

All this highlights the need to take measures to ensure preparedness for a new pandemic, Bloomberg concludes.

As reported EADaily, The US Department of Defense intends to carry out repair work in a number of biological laboratories in the post-Soviet space. We are talking about Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Georgia and Kazakhstan.

As stated in the report of the parliamentary commission investigating the activities of US biological laboratories in Ukraine, Washington is pursuing the goal of creating a new type of weapon of mass destruction – a universal genetically engineered biological weapon. In American laboratories in Ukraine, pathogens of especially dangerous infections were studied. Part of the research in these laboratories was supported by the son of the current US president. Hunter Biden.

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