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Bloody deed in Brazil: German consulate in Rio in shock

A death shakes the diplomatic mission. A high-ranking employee is suspected of cruelly killing his husband.

By Tobias Kaufer

08/09/2022 – 02:22 p.m

The couple lived in a beautiful apartment in Ipanema, in the district of the rich, powerful and influential in Rio de Janeiro. Now Walter Henri Maximillen B. is dead and his husband Uwe Herbert H. is suspected of murder. The case caused quite a stir in the Brazilian metropolis. However, whether it is a murder, as media speculate, or an accident, as reported by the husband, is completely unclear. The dead man is from Belgium.

The situation is dramatic for Uwe Herbert H. He has not only lost his partner with whom he has been together for 23 years. The media also extensively reports on his personal life and poke at intimacies in the couple’s sex life.

The media is poking around at the couple’s sex life

The dead man’s body probably had more than 30 injuries that indicate sado-maso practices. The suspect himself told the authorities that his husband had fallen while he was drunk. Chat histories and a photo of the dead man sent to a friend are said to support his version. The suspect is said to have written in a message with the photo that Walter had been drinking again. “All of a sudden he got up, ran and then fell down,” the German reported in a police video. But the authorities are suspicious.

They have the events re-enacted and film the suspect as he explains what happened. They compare the statements with the investigation results and encounter contradictions. According to the newspaper “O Globo”, a secretary of the suspect tried to remove blood. The consulate, in turn, believes the statements of the senior official who was in charge of managing the facility.

Quite a few indications speak against the husband

A lot is at stake for the diplomat. If he is convicted of murder and convicted, he faces 12 to 30 years in prison. It would be a dramatic fall: from the luxury of a penthouse apartment near one of the most beautiful beaches in the world straight into a run-down Brazilian prison.

The metropolitan media is closely following the case, trying to interview the suspect on the way to the police station, released the police video. Should Uwe H. be innocent, his privacy would still be destroyed forever.

Quite a few indications speak against the husband. According to a public coroner’s report, more than two dozen injuries were found throughout the body when the body was examined. The arms, legs, face, head, chest and buttocks were affected. Investigators suspect the cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage and contusions on the skull, possibly caused by a blow with a blunt object. Whether with deliberate violence is not known.

Consulate does not want to comment on the case for the time being

On Friday evening, the German diplomat himself called the emergency doctor through a third person. The German reported that his husband had fallen in the shared apartment. Paramedics on site tried to save the bleeding man, but after failed first aid measures, they only found the Belgian dead on the spot.

The German Consul General Dirk Augustin said in response to media inquiries that the consulate did not want to comment on the case for the time being. However, the diplomatic mission works closely with the Brazilian authorities. The court rejected an initial request by Uwe H.’s legal representatives to release him because of his diplomatic immunity. Reason: The act was too serious.

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