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blood type can make a difference

Various studies, in recent months, have investigated the relationship between blood groups and the incidence of Sars-Covid-19. The latest in chronological order comes from American Society of Hematology, was published on the portal Blood Advances and reports the aggregate data of two studies from the University of Southern Denmark and the University of British Columbia. From these researches it would appear that there is a blood group less exposed to the infection from Covid-19 than the others: the data of the study reveal that the number of positive patients with group 0 blood is much lower than those with type A, B or AB blood. The explanation for this greater “resistance” to Covid-19 of group 0, according to the authors of the research, it would be due to the presence of Isoagglutinin, an antibody in the blood which reacts with an isoantigen present on the surface of red blood cells of subjects of the same species and which prevents the virus from remaining anchored there.

Previously, the suspicion that blood groups somehow influenced the severity of symptoms from Covid-19 had emerged in a Chinese study, while more recent international scientific research published in the journal New England Journal of Medicine, which involved Italian, Norwegian, German and Spanish research centers examining 1,600 patients from Italy and Spain, highlighted not only that the blood group “0” would be associated with milder symptoms, but also that people with blood type A are more likely to develop more severe symptoms of Covid-19.

“With our research we have established that blood type is one of the main hereditary factors that predispose to developing a more serious disease for Covid-19,” he explained. Luca Valenti, Italian coordinator of the study and doctor of the Transfusion Center of the Policlinico di Milano. “In particular, the results tell us that blood group A has an increased risk of severe pulmonary impairment, while those in group 0 are more protected. And given that the blood group is hereditary, it is possible to conclude that the predisposition to the most severe symptoms for this disease is also hereditary. “

About the research on the relationship between Coronavirus and Blood Group, Dr. Piero Mozzi, graduated in Medicine at the University of Parma and known for having brought the blood group diet: «I have received with interest and pleasure the research published in the Blood Advances magazine about the link between blood group and Sars-Covid-19, “Mozzi said in a press release. «Other research had already appeared in Wu-Han, in California, in Israel and also in Italy to evaluate the relationship between blood groups and the incidence of Sars-Covid-19. It would be appropriate to extend all this research also to the lifestyle and eating habits of patients infected with Sars-Covid-19 and patients who have experienced the most severe symptoms. This would most likely give the opportunity to open new ways to counter the spread of the virus and reduce the onset of acute and severe symptoms. The direction of the studies should be to ensure that our immune system, thanks to a correct diet, is sufficiently reactive and capable of dealing with the virus so that this causes the least possible damage.. A lot of time has already been lost, but now there is a chance to catch up ».


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