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Blood, tears, sulfur; what meaning, what breath can be given to French ills?

The question of whether Marine Le Pen can govern France “with dignity, intelligence, finesse and firmness” in order to restore France to “its former glory” while integrating its minorities and fostering national cohesion is complex and hotly debated. Marine Le Pen, a central figure in the National Rally (RN), has evolved over the years, seeking to soften the image of her party, long seen as the embodiment of the far right in France. Her rise in the political landscape, marked by a strategy of “de-demonization,” has gained popularity, but questions remain about her ability to reconcile her national ambitions with the imperatives of social justice, inclusion and respect for democratic institutions.

Governing “with dignity” and “firmly”: the challenges of a strong ideological line

Marine Le Pen has always defended nationalist policies, putting forward a sovereignist and protectionist vision of the State. Dignity in governance requires constant respect for democratic institutions, a sense of responsibility in the exercise of power, and openness to the diversity of opinions and cultures that make up French society. Her party, despite efforts to de-demonize it, often remains associated with policies deemed divisive, particularly on issues of immigration and secularism.

Firmness, for its part, is an essential quality for any head of state. However, it must be accompanied by discernment in the application of laws and public policies, to avoid any authoritarian or discriminatory drift. Marine Le Pen’s proposals on the fight against immigration, for example, may be perceived as rigid, even punitive, by a part of public opinion. The balance between firmness and respect for the individual and collective rights of citizens is a fundamental requirement for fair governance.

“Restoring France’s former glory”: a nostalgic vision adapted to contemporary realities?

Marine Le Pen often advocates a return to a strong, sovereign France, in opposition to the influence of international organizations such as the European Union. This “nostalgic” vision of France’s role on the international stage may appeal to part of the population, but it raises the question of whether such a return to the past is realistic in a globalized world where economic, political and environmental interdependencies are increasingly marked.

The challenge of restoring France to a leading role in the “concert of nations” will require not only fine diplomatic skills, but also an ability to navigate the complex waters of international cooperation. However, Marine Le Pen is often criticized for her Eurosceptic positions and her links to regimes perceived as authoritarian. Her ability to balance national interests with those of international alliances remains an unknown.

Integration of minorities and national cohesion: a real turning point for the RN?

One of the biggest challenges for Marine Le Pen would be to prove her ability to foster national cohesion while fully integrating minorities from immigrant backgrounds, whether visible or invisible. The RN has often been accused of promoting exclusionary policies, particularly through its discourses on immigration, security and secularism. However, a France that aspires to greatness must be able to take advantage of the richness of its cultural and social diversity. Living together and national cohesion require catch-up and rebalancing measures, but also a political pedagogy that advocates inclusion rather than division.

The RN and alliances: can the “extremist” label be erased?

Despite efforts to de-demonize her party, Marine Le Pen and her supporters continue to face accusations of extremism. Her party’s potential alliances, whether domestic or international, could be a determining factor in her ability to govern without being constantly accused of extremism. A major challenge for Le Pen would be to form a majority that does not reinforce negative perceptions of the RN, while maintaining consistency with her campaign promises.


Can Marine Le Pen govern France with the dignity, intelligence, finesse, and firmness required to restore the country’s greatness, while ensuring the inclusion of minorities and national cohesion? Much depends on her ability to turn her rhetoric into actions that reassure a majority of citizens, not just her traditional voters. If she can demonstrate that she can govern without extreme divisions, respecting institutions, and strengthening ties between the different components of French society, then she could claim this role. However, her political career so far, marked by rhetoric that is often perceived as divisive, leaves doubts about her ability to reconcile all these demands.

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