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Blood, sweat and tears for Israel

Today is October 6th. Tomorrow will be the 7th. What can I tell you that you don’t already know what happened soon, it will be a year ago. As long as they really want to know. Because if something has become tragically clear, it is that you can choose not to know. Which is not the same as not knowing.

When Winston Churchill was left alone, not yet winning the Second World War, but holding his position so that one day it would not be lost, there were many people who also said that we should not raise the issue of anger, that by speaking people understand each other. , that what had to be done was to negotiate a ceasefire with Hitler. It’s not going to be that things escalate.

The thing is that back then there wasn’t even half the information that there is now. I highly recommend reading “The Solitude of Israel,” by Bernard-Henri Lévy, whose translation into Spanish has just been released by La Esfera de los Libros. It caught my attention to see something written by another hand that I felt very personally. I was a member of the Catalan Parliament when the horrendous attacks by Hamas took place that triggered what we are experiencing now. As such, as an MP, I fought hard to have my parliamentary group and others strongly condemn what happened. I was the first one surprised to see that we signed up for a small success at the beginning?

Bernard-Henri Lévy describes very well how the magnitude of that savagery paralyzed the entire world for a second. Zionists and anti-Zionists seemed able for a moment to understand each other in the essentials. Even the most professionally anti-Israel left in our country (particularly arrogant in Barcelona) bowed its head.

Joy and truth do not last long in the house of the sectarian. Five minutes after that lightning bolt of humanity? came an even more overwhelming wave of denial and a tsunami of Judeophobia. As if they had to be “forgiven” for I don’t know what nonsense, catapults of hatred that had been dormant for years rose again and became primed.

Nothing is sadder than the recent, unworthy competition to see who is most anti-Israeli. To see who shouts “genocide” the loudest against a people that today is the only one on earth that faces exactly that: the declared will to exterminate it, to erase it. From the river to the sea.

We would not be where we are if we had not been lethargic for years due to the fear of calling things by their name. Do you remember Obama’s “Arab Spring”? Already then Israel warned that this was not going, it could not end well. That Iran would never consent to a normalization of relations between the Arab and Jewish world such as that sought precisely with the Abraham Accords blown up by October 7.

At what moment was it considered normal to call terrorist groups “militias”, at what moment did we stop being shocked by the war brought about by the mafia (including the sewers of certain “humanitarian” agencies of the UN), in what head did it fit and does it fit that this Was it a normal situation? How and why was it concluded that we could live in a world where October 7th was possible?

The good news is that I don’t think we are headed for World War III. Nobody who has followed the issue closely and has even a modicum of good faith believes it. The bad news is that this Israel that we have left alone globally, and which in recent hours we have once again insulted with infamous demonstrations in Barcelona and Madrid claiming the “deed” of Hamas – why not a plaque with the names of the Palestinian terrorists who stuck nails in the sex of an Israeli woman after raping her and before murdering her? – will save us from that Third War by immolating himself once again for all of us. For the damned free world that is neither here nor expected.

Netanyahu will probably have to go after winning his war, like Churchill. But right now, he seems to be very aware that he has until November 5 (American elections) to ensure the security perimeter of his country (and all of ours) by doing just the opposite of what everyone insists on telling him he has. to do. The cost will be tremendous. In blood, sweat and tears. But if it cannot be done any other way, it is because of our abandonment. To our great shame.

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