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Blood: reserves are low!

Illustration. – © Etienne COLIN

Regular donors are on vacation, and collections are less frequent. On Monday, August 19, a day is organized in the Parisot room.

Donating blood is an act of citizenship that should never take a break, especially during the summer. With donations declining and the need continuing, your contribution is more valuable than ever. This summer, let’s take some time to save lives. It’s a simple gesture, but its impact is inestimable. Summer is synonymous with sunshine, rest and relaxation. Yet during this time when most of us are enjoying a well-deserved rest, one reality persists: the constant need for blood products. Blood supplies often run low during the summer months.

At the end of summer, blood reserves are low. Regular donors are on vacation, and blood drives are less frequent. However, the needs are not decreasing. By giving your blood, you help maintain sufficient reserves to deal with all emergencies. Monday, August 19, the Vesoul blood donor association is organizing a blood drive from 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

To make an appointment: www.dondesang.efs.sante.fr

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