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Blood drives: Témiscabitibians invited to donate

Blood drives: Témiscabitibiens invited to donate – TVA Abitibi-Temiscamingue

Andrei Audet | August 9, 2024

Héma-Québec is aiming for almost 500 blood donations, in one or another of the region’s blood drives.

The teams will be in Notre-Dame-du-Nord on Monday, the next day in La Sarre and on Wednesday in Rouyn-Noranda.

While all appointments are filled in La Sarre and Rouyn-Noranda, in Notre-Dame-du-Nord, there are still around fifty slots available out of the 175 planned, mentions the spokesperson, Marc-Antoine Turcotte.

Blood supplies are stable in the province, although at the start of the summer period some blood groups were lower.

Blood donations are essential to replenish hospital banks, which must deal with numerous transfusions every day, whether for surgeries or accidents such as road accidents.

To make an appointment, simply call Héma-Québec or go to their website.

In addition to next week’s collections, others are planned for the month of September.

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