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Blood drive: an organization redesigned in Gruissan

Lionel Borne, president of the Gruis’sang association, has restructured the blood drives in order to respect the health standards implemented to fight the pandemic. The Gruis’sang association oversees blood collections carried out in the town by the Perpignan branch of the EFS (French Blood Establishment, the sole civilian operator of blood transfusion in France). Lionel Borne, explains the measures implemented : “ Social distancing imposing a strict limitation on the number of people at the same time on the site, donors must register on the site in advance “ mon-rdv-dondesang.efs.sante.fr “or the application” Blood donation “for smartphones. Waiting times are thus reduced. However, the duration of a sample, which varies from one person to another, was evaluated on an average which leads to a reduction of about 10 % the number of samples, especially since the end of the collection has been brought forward to 19 hours instead of 19 h 30. To make the flow of donors as fluid as possible, the preliminary medical interviews now include 3 posts, 1 doctor and 2 nurses, and 4 nurses each manage the samples from 3 beds, which increases the number of beds. from 9 to 12 “. Thanks to this new organization, the EFS can adapt the material transported to the volume of collection known in advance. A slot will be reserved for new donors or for people who could not make an appointment due to lack of internet access. , but this exemption will be strictly applied.

Seven collections at the Palais des congrès

In 2021, seven collections are planned at the Palais des congrès from 15 to 19 hours, the Wednesdays 3 mars, 19 May, 21 July, 4 August, 18 August, 6 October and 15 December. It is advisable to make an appointment 15 to 20 days in advance to choose your time slot. An ID will be required at the time of collection and, for late hours during the curfew, you will need to obtain the travel authorization stating “ help vulnerable people “. Lionel Borde also exposes the influence of the pandemic on the functioning of the association : “ Our general assembly had to be adjourned. If it cannot be organized by videoconference, it will be canceled. The board of directors and the office will be renewed and the prefecture will be informed. Pending government clarifications, all members of Gruis’sang are ready to participate in the various events on which they are usually present, whenever they are held. “.

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